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Maker Pro

Sony STR-DH820 A/V Receiver Not Powering On after some time of disuse - Help!

Hey there, i have a Sony Receiver (STR-DH820) and just when it came in from the post office it did'nt turned on! I got really mad at the situation and i left it for the sony assistance team to figure it out for me. It turned out it was nothing really! Well, i brought it back home and it was working! (magic?) It worked for a year straight, without letting me down once. I left it in a wardrobe for a year and a half, and now that i installed it again it doesn't turn on again!
I can hear a loud click (and a little vibration) sometimes when i put the plug in the power jack, but it doesn't light the display no matter what i try.
It seems for me that the assistance just did half the job and made it work for some time...
What can it be? Should i open it and take some pictures? I don't have any experience with electrical components, so i didn't want to screw the equipment.
Thank you!
Sony used to make superior stuff, then they started letting the Chinese build their stuff.
I've had nothing but problems with the Sony stuff, made in China that I bought lately.
The first thing I'd do, is contact the Sony on-line technical support group with your model number.
They've got on-line menus and as a last resort, you can talk to a service rep who has access to their data (but not much real troubleshooting experience).
The last couple failures I had with their gear, turned-out to be internal programming hang-ups, with all the unnecessary internal circuitry they install anymore.
Before I tore into the chassis and looked around, I'd talk to Sony technical support first, and see if they've got any ideas.
Here's my most helpful input: Plug it into power, and then unplug it a few times, to see if that clears any internal start-up menu issues. It worked with two of my Sony problems.
Good luck, I know it's a pain to deal with. If you don't get any help from the Sony phone people, Google the model number to see if anybody else had your same problem.
If that doesn't work. Try asking here for help again, and somebody will give you some pointers about what to look for.
My experience with Sony lately, is most of their 'power-on' problems, are some kind of hang-up in the equipment internal start-up menu program.
Oh, and did you check the fuse?
Could be a dry joint, but it sounds like a simple enough issue, open it up take some photos, don't touch the boards inside as there msy be some high voltage charged caps...

The click is the relay which suggests part if not all the power supply works, could be as simple as a cable falling out.
Ok, first of all, thanks. I tried already pluging/unplugging it a few times but it didn't work. I will try it again, not pressing the button this time. I'm from Brazil, so contacting Sony is going to be a pain but i will try that first. If that doesn't work i will open it up and take some photos. Will letting it rest unplugged for a night uncharge the capacitors (to minimize the risk)? I will also check the fuse, but i don't think that's the problem since the click is happening. And oh, i already googled it and some guy was having problems with this model in this very forum (that's how i found it!), everything else in the search was not appropriate.
Sony stuff is beautiful, but they are losing quality over the years.