So I've been using the RGB input through the 25pin CMPTR input for a
few months now. One day the image started to drop out. Sometimes half
the screen would show up, and then it would drop out completely. Oddly
enough, the s video still works perfectly. I noticed that turning up
the +5v brought back the image for a moment, but then it went out
again. I don't fancy buying a new monitor, I'm quite fond of this
Anyone have any ideas?
few months now. One day the image started to drop out. Sometimes half
the screen would show up, and then it would drop out completely. Oddly
enough, the s video still works perfectly. I noticed that turning up
the +5v brought back the image for a moment, but then it went out
again. I don't fancy buying a new monitor, I'm quite fond of this
Anyone have any ideas?