Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony projection No raster, has sound, AP chassis KP-46XBR35



advanced the G2 on the green gun and found full vertical deflection.
Of course it was all green, and had only a trace of an
image in the background. Also there are some 10 or 12 horizontal
lines speced in the image. So I have vertical deflection. What now??


Since you started with a vertical problem, verify that the system
control and jungle ic are getting the v-sync return pulse from the
vertical output circuit. If it is missing the tv will be in full
video blanking.

If the h-sync were missing the tv would go into shutdown.
The next option is to verify that the clock and data pulses are
working properly (SDA/SCL), if you can control the volume up and down,
the data is working.

Third problem is going to be troubleshooting the AKB circuit and
picture tube gun current levels. I would almost bet that the problem
you are now having is due to weak picture tubes. You will have to
follow Sony's procedure to troubleshooting the AKB circuit to confirm



Confirm you are getting the 210 V supply to the vidro outputs, if not look
for an open resistor in the supply ckt.


Art and David: Thank you both in advance for you patients and

I found a 223 volt supply at the video outputs. The schematic calls
for 225 v.

As for David's posts:
I'm going to need a little more direction in terms of how to; Verify
that the system control and jungle ic are getting the v-sync return
pulses from the vertical output circuit.

Regarding suggestion #2, I can control the volume, channels, etc.

Regarding troubleshooting the AKB circuit, I am at a loss, and should
it come to that I will see more direction or attempt to follow Sony's



After turning up the G2 slightly on the red CRT my video was restored,
however, I have severe pincussioning and the convergence is way off.
(Back to where I started in the beginning) Also, the picture seems
enlarged perhaps 10-20 percent. Is this because I increased the
cathode voltage on the red CRT to get out of blanking? Any
suggestions on pincussion/convergence fix?? I have already replaced
the STK's and checked the pin output on the A board.
