Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony projection No raster, has sound, AP chassis KP-46XBR35



Need some direction.. Have sound but no raster..

I started with a convergence problem, replaced both of the SKT's on
the D board along with two 1/2 watt resistors that burnt. Same
problem existed.

Started to look at the PIN output circuit and then things got worse.
I was unable to power-up. I assume I contributed to the failure as I
left a ground off of the HV block.. I replaced the Horizontal Output
Transistor and was then able to power-up again.

At this time each of the CRT's have 233 volts at the filaments, and
are lit. You can see a horizontal line with noise if you look
throught the lenses of each of the CRT's. I assume HV is there. I
ESR'ed all caps on A, D and G boards, and checked the associated
transistors, all look good.

Still no raster. Also tried another input device with no luck. No
menu display either.

The SKT's have the appropriate -+18 volts, checked vertical IC
voltages also look good, but seem to be running hot.

Where do I go from here??


Horiz line is indicative of failure in vertical deflection circuit. You may
advance the G2 of one of the crts slightly and see if actually you do have a
thin horiz line displayed. The set should probably shut down as far as the
deflection is concerned if the vertical circuit is not functional. Check the
yoke connections, etc. Also check the yokes for failure.


oriz line is indicative of failure in vertical deflection circuit

Set has AKB, they DO put a line at the top, which is invisible on the viewing
screen. If it's not at the top it's vertical, and actually can still be
vertical even if it's at the top. That's why I use my scope now.

BTW, if there's a wire going kinda through the chassis to the bottom of the
cabinet, it is for the subwoofer. If you didn't plug it back in, do so, you
might have it fixed.

A corworker once quipped "it's getting to where a bad speaker can cause no high
voltage". This has become a prophesy, it IS true of these sets. An open
subwoofer WILL cause shutdown of the whole set.



I advanced the G2 on the green gun and found full horizontal
deflection. Of course it was all green, and had only a trace of an
image in the background. Also there are some 10 or 12 horizontal
lines speced in the image. So I have vertical deflection. What now??