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Maker Pro

Sony KV35V36 wouldn't turn on - help!


Dennis C

I have a Sony KV35V36 that I bought back in 1998. It has always been a
great set, but recently i cannot turn the set on anymore with the
Power button or the remote. I checked the power plug and it looks

Anyone else have had this problem? I called some TV repair shop and
they charge $40-$50 to come out to diagnoise the problem. Any repair
is extra $.



I'm afraid it's not as simple as a plug, and don't waste time opening the back
up looking for a fuse or other simple fix because you won't find it. It could
be anything from bad solder connections causing a chain reaction parts failure
to a HV transformer but in any case there are multiple parts involved. Trying
to find a shop that will come out and diagnose the problem for $40 is really
not going to happen, what you'll get as a diagnosis is a wild guess at best.
The set needs to be taken to a reputable shop for work. I know it's heavy, but
service call days are over.


$40 - $50 for a service call on a 35" tele is cheap now days, some service
companies charge almost twice that amount just to show up at the door, that
is, if you are within a certain distance from their facility. Then they
charge either a flat rate for a specific repair or at an hourly rate plus
the necessary parts. As recommended, get the tele to a service company that
is familiar with the SONY products and ask for an estimate of cost before
they repair the set. Which is common practice at most facilities now days.


Time to take the set into a shop for a proper diagnosis and estimate.
The $40 was probably the trip charge to get the tech to the door and a
preliminary approximate price range.
You will save money if you take the set into the shop.
Typical total repairs on average for that size of tv set when taken
into the shop vary between $90 and $170 depending on specifically what
they find.

Without any doubt, if the picture looked good last time it was on, it
is probably worth having repaired. Even though it is coming on 6
years old.
