Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony KV-32XBR400 (DX1A) chassis.


Tom Knowles

This set works perfect for about 1/2 hr. then turns itself off. If
it is turned back on it runs for about 15 min. Then if turned back on it
runs for about 7 or 8 min. Finally after doing all of that it won`t turn
on at all, until it apparently cools off.
Sony says it is the D board, which is about $300.When you look at
the board you can see why.
My question is, has anyone had a similar trouble as mentioned
above and gone into troubleshooting the board for a particular component
failure? From the physical layout and size it looks as this would be a
very difficult thing to do unless you know which part is the culprit.
Any replies on this would be appreciated.
Thanks Tom


It needs the updated D board and the proper alignment and safety checks
performed following replacement of the board.

For a very long time Sony was shipping the part no charge to authorized
servicers even on out of warranty sets as a customer service good will due
to the problems they were having with the boards. Apparantly the glue they
used to seal some of the critical controls was causing problems. Due to the
nature of the adjustments Sony only had the entire board available as a fix
for the problem as they also did a few other improvements to the board.

I suspect that you are not a Sony authorized servicer or you would have
probably seen this before now. It is still possible that a phone call in to
Sony might be of benefit for the customer, as long as the tv was not bought


Jason D.

It needs the updated D board and the proper alignment and safety checks
performed following replacement of the board.

For a very long time Sony was shipping the part no charge to authorized
servicers even on out of warranty sets as a customer service good will due
to the problems they were having with the boards. Apparantly the glue they
used to seal some of the critical controls was causing problems. Due to the
nature of the adjustments Sony only had the entire board available as a fix
for the problem as they also did a few other improvements to the board.

I suspect that you are not a Sony authorized servicer or you would have
probably seen this before now. It is still possible that a phone call in to
Sony might be of benefit for the customer, as long as the tv was not bought


Sears is my sore point. :p What does this Sony do to those sets at
Sears' specs that sears sells?

We had a sony tv we bought from Sears tube wore out quickly in 3 yr.
Goldstar 20" also was from Sears and lasted 6.

BTW, what's is the difference between Sears and others selling similar
sets and why is sony so insistent no support or parts for sears's
sourced stuff?




SEARS has a special agreement with several manufactures to buy the product
at a much less than wholesale price provided SEARS assumes all warranty risk
on the item. Basically this means that with a Sony tv set, if you buy it
from SEARS it has a SEARS warranty, NOT a Sony backed warranty.

Any customer good will therefore will have to come from SEARS, rather than

Many times when there is a known issue like this, the manufacture will take
the defective boards back from SEARS and rebuild them to the new
specification and send them back to SEARS parts at no cost. They want to
keep one of the big retailers happy so they will keep buying product from



Because Sears buys product with NO/NONE/ZIP mfg warranty/support. It is a
bunch of crap......but the way things are.
