Maker Pro
Maker Pro

sony handycam video8


Guy .S

i have to repair a Sony Handycam Video HI8
the problem is ; vertical stripes displaying from left
to right . Fading to nothing on the right side, but very visible in the
viewfinder as well as on the recorded tape
mostly on the left hand side.
Has anyone seen a problem of this nature before.
What's the model # of this Handycam?
These are known to have problems with the "fish caps" ESR all those
little "can" caps you see, esp in the video section.

What's the model # of this Handycam?
These are known to have problems with the "fish caps" ESR all those
little "can" caps you see, esp in the video section.


Guy .S

what do you mean ERS all those?
are these caps replacable or just reheating them does the job?
Hey Guy,
No, they need to be replaced if bad. I use an ESR meter. Search this
group for "ESR" or "testing capacitors" for an explanation of how to
test these caps. They are know to go bad and often have a fishy smell,
hence fish caps. Also search for how to replace them. I use a low
wattage iron and lift them gently they sit on little feet. Sony boards
are usually pretty good but you have to be careful about lifting the
traces. I order my replacements from Mouser.Check out:
for an example.