Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony G500 damaged during move


Aaron Solochek

So I recently moved between states, and just powered on my monitor for the
first time. In the blue bios screen, the lower right corner of the
monitor is green. I tried to run its built-in degauss function, and that
just seems to cause the image to rotate clockwise a couple degrees and
doesn't do anything to fix the color. If I adjust the lower-right landing
to 0, it _almost_ appears normal, but you can still see greenish areas on
the right and bottom edge.

So what could have happened to this? I don't think the monitor was
exposed to any strong magnetic fields (I have another monitor just like it
that survived fine), but it might have been banged around a bit, and
possibly sat in a weird position for a month.

Any quick things I can try (I'm comfortable opening it up, and I know how
to discharge tubes, etc) before taking it to an actual repair place? If I
need to take it in, how much can I expect it to cost?



James Sweet

Aaron Solochek said:
So I recently moved between states, and just powered on my monitor for the
first time. In the blue bios screen, the lower right corner of the
monitor is green. I tried to run its built-in degauss function, and that
just seems to cause the image to rotate clockwise a couple degrees and
doesn't do anything to fix the color. If I adjust the lower-right landing
to 0, it _almost_ appears normal, but you can still see greenish areas on
the right and bottom edge.

So what could have happened to this? I don't think the monitor was
exposed to any strong magnetic fields (I have another monitor just like it
that survived fine), but it might have been banged around a bit, and
possibly sat in a weird position for a month.

Any quick things I can try (I'm comfortable opening it up, and I know how
to discharge tubes, etc) before taking it to an actual repair place? If I
need to take it in, how much can I expect it to cost?



Sounds like it got banged around a bit, chances are the aperature grill
inside the tube shifted slightly. You might be able adjust the purity a bit
to compensate but chances are it'll never be perfect again. Tube replacement
would cost at least as much as the monitor is worth.

Mark D. Zacharias

James Sweet said:
Sounds like it got banged around a bit, chances are the aperature grill
inside the tube shifted slightly. You might be able adjust the purity a
to compensate but chances are it'll never be perfect again. Tube
would cost at least as much as the monitor is worth.

I'd say it's at least worth a try degaussing it properly, with a degaussing

Mark Z.

Jerry Greenberg

The monitor must have been knocked a bit too hard. This sounds like
the apature grill in the tube is damaged!

The tube would cost more than the value of the replacement cost of the
monitor. You can take the monitor to a service place to have it
verified for you.

Jerry G.

H. R. Bob Hofmann

The monitor must have been knocked a bit too hard. This sounds like
the apature grill in the tube is damaged!

The tube would cost more than the value of the replacement cost of the
monitor. You can take the monitor to a service place to have it
verified for you.

Jerry G.

If you can degauss it with a real degaussing coil, try that. ALso,
try moving a magnet around the perimeter of the tube in the area where
there is the discoloration/purity problem. You may be able to solve
the problem that way. I use magnetic rubber like on the back of wall
magnets silicon-rubbered to the tube quite successfully.

H. R.(Bob) Hofmann

James Sweet

If you can degauss it with a real degaussing coil, try that. ALso,
try moving a magnet around the perimeter of the tube in the area where
there is the discoloration/purity problem. You may be able to solve
the problem that way. I use magnetic rubber like on the back of wall
magnets silicon-rubbered to the tube quite successfully.

H. R.(Bob) Hofmann

I've "fixed" a few monitors and TV's by gluing small refrigerator type
magnets on strategic places on the back of the tube, never got one perfect
but they can be made useable to less picky people.