Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony DSC-S70 Digital Camera


Jim Thompson

Sony DSC-S70 Digital Camera

I'd like remote shutter operation.

Does anyone know if that might be doable via the USB port?

I can find nothing in the instructions or specifications.

...Jim Thompson

Mark J.

In news:[email protected] (Jim Thompson):
Sony DSC-S70 Digital Camera

I'd like remote shutter operation.

Does anyone know if that might be doable via the USB port?

I can find nothing in the instructions or specifications.

...Jim Thompson

Jim, why all the fascination with USB?

Last I checked, you were anti-uC, and any USB chip pretty much is a uC and
USB driver married in one, such as,, or Unless
you really want to delve into the 8051/uC arena, USB is going to be
proprietary or bust...


Martin Riddle

There is no support for a remote or cable release on this camera.

Unless you hack it open and add the wires to the exposure switch.

Jim Thompson

In (Jim Thompson):

Jim, why all the fascination with USB?

Last time I looked I designed the USBv1 cells for Intel. And I
designed the serial chips 1488 and 1489.
Last I checked, you were anti-uC, and any USB chip pretty much is a uC and
USB driver married in one, such as,, or Unless
you really want to delve into the 8051/uC arena, USB is going to be
proprietary or bust...


Being anti-uC ('cause I'm an Analog guy) doesn't necessarily make me

This was posted as a *camera-specific* question. I own a Sony DSC-S70
that I'd like to have the modern equivalent of a cable release (for
wildlife shots, etc.).

Since there's no classic screw-in-cable on the shutter, I was just
muttering to myself if the shutter might be activated thru its USB

...Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson

There is no support for a remote or cable release on this camera.

Unless you hack it open and add the wires to the exposure switch.

Thanks, Martin! Maybe I'll just do a mechanical hack with a clamp-on
solenoid ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Ian Stirling

In Martin Riddle said:
There is no support for a remote or cable release on this camera.

It's deeply annoying that the bastards don't.
It's essentially free, and makes the camera usefull for many other

If you want to do this, you need to spend a lot more...

Mark J.

In news:[email protected] (Jim Thompson):
Last time I looked I designed the USBv1 cells for Intel. And I
designed the serial chips 1488 and 1489.

Well pardon me. :)

Being anti-uC ('cause I'm an Analog guy) doesn't necessarily make me

This was posted as a *camera-specific* question. I own a Sony DSC-S70
that I'd like to have the modern equivalent of a cable release (for
wildlife shots, etc.).

Since there's no classic screw-in-cable on the shutter, I was just
muttering to myself if the shutter might be activated thru its USB

...Jim Thompson

Oh ok. Sounds reasonable, but is this "remote shutter" to be controlled
from a PC or a discrete driver? And does the camera have the capability of
actuating the shutter via a command from the USB bus? If it does and you
want to use a computer to control then it may require a device driver to be
compiled and a small program made which calls the driver and sends the
command. Seems like overkill for such a simple application, therefore I
assume a discrete solution is what you're talking about. seems to be a great help with USB, they even have complete
reference designs such as:
or related available online. I guess it boils down to "does the camera
support USB shutter control?"


Jim Thompson

In news:[email protected] (Jim Thompson): [snip]
Since there's no classic screw-in-cable on the shutter, I was just
muttering to myself if the shutter might be activated thru its USB

...Jim Thompson

Oh ok. Sounds reasonable, but is this "remote shutter" to be controlled
from a PC or a discrete driver? And does the camera have the capability of
actuating the shutter via a command from the USB bus? If it does and you
want to use a computer to control then it may require a device driver to be
compiled and a small program made which calls the driver and sends the
command. Seems like overkill for such a simple application, therefore I
assume a discrete solution is what you're talking about. seems to be a great help with USB, they even have complete
reference designs such as:
or related available online. I guess it boils down to "does the camera
support USB shutter control?"


You "PC" guys always want to involve your computer... I just want to
push a button ;-)

From other posters it appears that the function I want doesn't exist,
so I'll probably hack a electro-mechanical solution :-(

...Jim Thompson


Jim said:
There is no support for a remote or cable release on this camera.

Unless you hack it open and add the wires to the exposure switch.

Thanks, Martin! Maybe I'll just do a mechanical hack with a clamp-on
solenoid ;-)

For general use - i.e. fast *and* slow shutter speeds - you might
consider pneumatics.
I used to have an el cheapo remote shutter release (bought in Tokyo back
in the 60's) that I used with an SLR. Piston screwed onto the shutter;
10-12 ft. soft rubber tubing connected piston to a hand operated squeeze
bulb. This low-tech thing was so gentle that I retired the handsome
cable release I had been using.

Jim Thompson

For general use - i.e. fast *and* slow shutter speeds - you might
consider pneumatics.
I used to have an el cheapo remote shutter release (bought in Tokyo back
in the 60's) that I used with an SLR. Piston screwed onto the shutter;
10-12 ft. soft rubber tubing connected piston to a hand operated squeeze
bulb. This low-tech thing was so gentle that I retired the handsome
cable release I had been using.

This shutter button has no threaded insert like you usually find on
better film cameras. So I'm studying my tripod to see how I can rig
it up.

...Jim Thompson

Martin Riddle

I recall one model rocket project that used a 555 to trigger the electronic shutter in a film cammera as the rocket was ascending.
Neat pictures.


Jim Thompson said:
For general use - i.e. fast *and* slow shutter speeds - you might
consider pneumatics.
I used to have an el cheapo remote shutter release (bought in Tokyo back
in the 60's) that I used with an SLR. Piston screwed onto the shutter;
10-12 ft. soft rubber tubing connected piston to a hand operated squeeze
bulb. This low-tech thing was so gentle that I retired the handsome
cable release I had been using.

This shutter button has no threaded insert like you usually find on
better film cameras. So I'm studying my tripod to see how I can rig
it up.

...Jim Thompson

Mark J.

In news:[email protected] (Jim Thompson):
In news:[email protected] (Jim Thompson): [snip]
Since there's no classic screw-in-cable on the shutter, I was just
muttering to myself if the shutter might be activated thru its USB

...Jim Thompson

Oh ok. Sounds reasonable, but is this "remote shutter" to be controlled
from a PC or a discrete driver? And does the camera have the
capability of actuating the shutter via a command from the USB bus? If
it does and you want to use a computer to control then it may require
a device driver to be compiled and a small program made which calls
the driver and sends the command. Seems like overkill for such a
simple application, therefore I assume a discrete solution is what
you're talking about. seems to be a great help with USB, they even have
complete reference designs such as:
or related available online. I guess it boils down to "does the camera
support USB shutter control?"


You "PC" guys always want to involve your computer... I just want to
push a button ;-)

From other posters it appears that the function I want doesn't exist,
so I'll probably hack a electro-mechanical solution :-(

...Jim Thompson


Computers are getting darn small these days, check out this 400MHz
handheld: It's only
$280! One of these models includes its own digital camera, so it would not
even apply... :)

Terry Pinnell

Jim Thompson said:
For general use - i.e. fast *and* slow shutter speeds - you might
consider pneumatics.
I used to have an el cheapo remote shutter release (bought in Tokyo back
in the 60's) that I used with an SLR. Piston screwed onto the shutter;
10-12 ft. soft rubber tubing connected piston to a hand operated squeeze
bulb. This low-tech thing was so gentle that I retired the handsome
cable release I had been using.

This shutter button has no threaded insert like you usually find on
better film cameras. So I'm studying my tripod to see how I can rig
it up.

I had a similar requirement a couple of years ago and ended up doing
that, i.e improvising a gadget attached to tripod.

It's a scandal that modern cameras heave neither an electronic socket
to operate the shutter nor even a screw thread for mounting a simple
release. I spent ages getting this thing working. Rather than my Sony
DSC-1, I used an old Olympus Zoom auto-focus. Felt less nervous about
leaving that outside overnight.

My aim was to photograph whatever was coming through a hole dug below
my garden fence. I thought it might be foxes. So I had to arrange to
press and release the button. Eventually, after a lot of
experimenting, I designed a unit inside a small plastic case. I
connected an old-style cable at one end to a solenoid plunger in the
case, and its other end was just on top of the button. The mechanics
proved a greater challenge than the electronics for me. But after
virtually constructing Hubble single-handed I imagine you'll get it
sorted a lot faster <g>.

My sensors were micro-switches attached to lightweight, camouflaged
board, and provided the trigger. All crude, temporary stuff. Circuit
ensured camera wouldn't get re-triggered within 5 seconds or so, while
motor wound film on for next shot. A mono powered the solenoid driver.
Power supplies were via mains. A *long* extension cord. And we get
rain here, so weather-proofing was another challenge.

The trickiest aspect was powering the solenoid. Extensive
trial and error to get reliable action. The surplus component I had
available was rated at 24V and my first approach was to use a
multiplier and largish capacitor to power it from the 6V supply I was
using to emulate the camera's battery. But eventually that proved
inadequate, so I added a 29V line.

Block diagram, circuit and a few photos:

Bottom line: three cats, two squirrels - no foxes!

Louis Bybee

I had a similar requirement a couple of years ago and ended up doing
that, i.e improvising a gadget attached to tripod.

It's a scandal that modern cameras heave neither an electronic socket
to operate the shutter nor even a screw thread for mounting a simple
release. I spent ages getting this thing working. Rather than my Sony
DSC-1, I used an old Olympus Zoom auto-focus. Felt less nervous about
leaving that outside overnight.

My aim was to photograph whatever was coming through a hole dug below
my garden fence. I thought it might be foxes. So I had to arrange to
press and release the button. Eventually, after a lot of
experimenting, I designed a unit inside a small plastic case. I
connected an old-style cable at one end to a solenoid plunger in the
case, and its other end was just on top of the button. The mechanics
proved a greater challenge than the electronics for me. But after
virtually constructing Hubble single-handed I imagine you'll get it
sorted a lot faster <g>.

My sensors were micro-switches attached to lightweight, camouflaged
board, and provided the trigger. All crude, temporary stuff. Circuit
ensured camera wouldn't get re-triggered within 5 seconds or so, while
motor wound film on for next shot. A mono powered the solenoid driver.
Power supplies were via mains. A *long* extension cord. And we get
rain here, so weather-proofing was another challenge.

The trickiest aspect was powering the solenoid. Extensive
trial and error to get reliable action. The surplus component I had
available was rated at 24V and my first approach was to use a
multiplier and largish capacitor to power it from the 6V supply I was
using to emulate the camera's battery. But eventually that proved
inadequate, so I added a 29V line.

Block diagram, circuit and a few photos:

Bottom line: three cats, two squirrels - no foxes!

Well done!

This gives me an idea to document the damage I believe the neighbors cat is
responsible for. The fellow next denies it's his cat, but I've seen it. He
says bring me the proof, and I will pay for it. This seems a much better
solution that hurting the cat. :-]

Remove the two fish in address to respond


Jim Thompson said:
Sony DSC-S70 Digital Camera

I'd like remote shutter operation.

Does anyone know if that might be doable via the USB port?

I can find nothing in the instructions or specifications.


You could hook up a timer that takes a picture after the onboard
beeper sounds a specific tone, most cameras beep when you download the

(though don't choose the tone it makes when you take a picture :) )

Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

Terry Pinnell said:
Jim Thompson said:
For general use - i.e. fast *and* slow shutter speeds - you might
consider pneumatics.
I used to have an el cheapo remote shutter release (bought in Tokyo back
in the 60's) that I used with an SLR. Piston screwed onto the shutter;
10-12 ft. soft rubber tubing connected piston to a hand operated squeeze
bulb. This low-tech thing was so gentle that I retired the handsome
cable release I had been using.

This shutter button has no threaded insert like you usually find on
better film cameras. So I'm studying my tripod to see how I can rig
it up.

I had a similar requirement a couple of years ago and ended up doing
that, i.e improvising a gadget attached to tripod.

It's a scandal that modern cameras heave neither an electronic socket
to operate the shutter nor even a screw thread for mounting a simple
release. I spent ages getting this thing working. Rather than my Sony
DSC-1, I used an old Olympus Zoom auto-focus. Felt less nervous about
leaving that outside overnight.

My aim was to photograph whatever was coming through a hole dug below
my garden fence. I thought it might be foxes. So I had to arrange to
press and release the button. Eventually, after a lot of
experimenting, I designed a unit inside a small plastic case. I
connected an old-style cable at one end to a solenoid plunger in the
case, and its other end was just on top of the button. The mechanics
proved a greater challenge than the electronics for me. But after
virtually constructing Hubble single-handed I imagine you'll get it
sorted a lot faster <g>.

My sensors were micro-switches attached to lightweight, camouflaged
board, and provided the trigger. All crude, temporary stuff. Circuit
ensured camera wouldn't get re-triggered within 5 seconds or so, while
motor wound film on for next shot. A mono powered the solenoid driver.
Power supplies were via mains. A *long* extension cord. And we get
rain here, so weather-proofing was another challenge.

The trickiest aspect was powering the solenoid. Extensive
trial and error to get reliable action. The surplus component I had
available was rated at 24V and my first approach was to use a
multiplier and largish capacitor to power it from the 6V supply I was
using to emulate the camera's battery. But eventually that proved
inadequate, so I added a 29V line.

Block diagram, circuit and a few photos:

Bottom line: three cats, two squirrels - no foxes!

So, it looks like the NPN is not even needed, and eliminating it would
save quite a bit of current. If you got the current drain down, you
could use batteries. I'm a bit leery of using a 4001 for a one shot,
which passes slowly thru the voltage range on the inputs.


Eugene Kaplounovski

Jim Thompson said:
Sony DSC-S70 Digital Camera

I'd like remote shutter operation.

Does anyone know if that might be doable via the USB port?

I can find nothing in the instructions or specifications.

...Jim Thompson

I don't know about the -S70, but my -F717 can't do anything except
downloading files to/from the PC when the USB cable is connected. This
is strictly a firmware feature. If the -S70's FW is similar, remote
operation via the USB would be impossible.
Canon G2, on the other hand, could operate under remote control from
PC via the USB and a special application running on the PC.


Jim Thompson said:
For general use - i.e. fast *and* slow shutter speeds - you might
consider pneumatics.
I used to have an el cheapo remote shutter release (bought in Tokyo back
in the 60's) that I used with an SLR. Piston screwed onto the shutter;
10-12 ft. soft rubber tubing connected piston to a hand operated squeeze
bulb. This low-tech thing was so gentle that I retired the handsome
cable release I had been using.

This shutter button has no threaded insert like you usually find on
better film cameras. So I'm studying my tripod to see how I can rig
it up.

Yeah, that occurred to me after I had replied. I encountered the same
problem (no threaded shutter button) some 20 years after buying the
pneumatic release, wanted a release for a Polaroid SX-70 camera. (I
think Polaroid did offer something, but probably it cost big bucks.)
Shutter button looked like a "Klixon" switch, the kind used for
keyswitches on the Bomar Brain calculator. So no threaded hole.
Anyway, I cut a small block of hard maple about an inch square and about
half an inch thick, drilled a through hole in it to pass the plunger
rod, counterbored it slightly so it would take the thread of the
pneumatic plunger, and on the other side (and with plunger hole as
center) used an auger and counterbored about 3/32". That last bored
depression fit fairly well around the metal collar of the camera's
shutter button and kept the plunger hole centered over that button.
Screwed a piece of spring steel to the switch button side of the wood
block, it clamping the block and attached pneumatic plunger to the body
of the camera. It was easy to put on and take off without tools.

The key to this solution was that the part of the SX-70 body on which
the button is mounted is not terribly thick .... mebbe 5/8" or 3/4".

If I had thought I would use the kludge very much - which I didn't - I
would have protected the camera's shutter button from the small diameter
pneumatic plunger rod.