Maker Pro
Maker Pro

some damaged gadget chargers

There is a little 600W gasoline generator I have been using lately, just discovered its responsible for the recent incessant damage of my charges. Mostly all of them got spoilt in same method. A liquid like material precipitates out of the casing. I opened some of them up, and I couldn't trace which component released the fluid or which component at all is faulty... I could have easily thrashed them all, but I felt it might be worth it to embark on repair marathon lol since they are like seven now....
How do I troubleshoot a spoilt charger? I can only identify some few components, resistors, diodes, transformers, some capacitors... But I don't know how to verify which one is damaged... I only know that diodes conduct in one direction only....
I have a multimeter and a soldering iron.
Thank you.
An engine driven generator can give the wrong voltage and wrong frequency.

The faults may differ depending on what is wrong with the supply.
There are two sorts of power supplies, one uses a mains transformer and the other a rectifier and a chopper circuit. You should find out the type and get a circuit.

The most likely source of the juice is the electrolytic capacitors if they have been overvoltaged and boiled. Lok at the top of the capacitors, if they are domed due to internal pressure, that is a sure sign that they are dead. Capacitors can be tested for capacitance, ESR and leakage but it may be easier to change the lot.

Other components may have failed of course.
Bad capacitors. Primarily the ones with domed tops. The electrolyte boiled and puffed up the can. If you're lucky nothing else went bad and replacing the capacitors will do the trick
I replaced the capacitors, but it's nko working.. No voltage reading out of the output.. Although it sparks when I plug it in as if its a working adapter... I replaced with capacitors of same raring
Take a good close look at the traces for opens and bad solder joints. Otherwise the power transistor might be blown. Again, if you're lucky there is a standard part number on it. The sparking is sort of a good sign. Indicating the transformer is doing it's thing. It doesn't look overheated. A bad sign would be a big pop and a puff of smoke.