Maker Pro
Maker Pro

solution of Waveguide selection

Thank you. I appreciate for your help.
I have already gone through that link,but seems like there is no more detail on internet for this perticular topic. I wanted to check about the procedure and how we could reach to the result.


is this really homework or a general call for information ?

do you actually have a job that you need to use waveguide ?
is this really homework or a general call for information ?

do you actually have a job that you need to use waveguide ?
This is my homework. Since I could not find the right answer so I asked this question. The question was write detailed step by step instructions on how to solve waveguide selection problem. what is the purpose and how to proceed? what results you reach and how.


This is my homework. Since I could not find the right answer so I asked this question. The question was write detailed step by step instructions on how to solve waveguide selection problem. what is the purpose and how to proceed? what results you reach and how.

OK I will move thread to homework section
The question was write detailed step by step instructions on how to solve waveguide selection problem. what is the purpose and how to proceed? what results you reach and how.
You were given pretty explicit instructions on what was desired.

Essentially the teacher is asking you to research and understand the principals of waveguide, selection of spectrum and why, the technology used to 'form' the beam, the potential savings when used correctly,etc. I would approach this as if you were the systems engineer tasked with this problem and write up a proposal and anticipated results as if you were to present them to your superior at work.