Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solid State Relay Differences?

The project I am working on will need a relay for a 1/3 to 1/2 hp 240V
pump motor.

Have been trying to do my homework concerning possible solid state
relays to use.

So far the Teledyne S24A25 (zero crossing turn on) and the Crydom
A2425-10 (random turn on) seem quite similar except for the difference
in turn on.

Am wondering how much difference this actually makes?

Welcome any suggestions for these or other suitable solid state relays.




The project I am working on will need a relay for a 1/3 to 1/2 hp 240V
pump motor.

Have been trying to do my homework concerning possible solid state
relays to use.

So far the Teledyne S24A25 (zero crossing turn on) and the Crydom
A2425-10 (random turn on) seem quite similar except for the difference
in turn on.

Am wondering how much difference this actually makes?

Welcome any suggestions for these or other suitable solid state relays.



I was trying too use some zero crosing models for controlling a solenoid.
It became unstable at times with the inductance, and randomly pulsed
when it was not supposed to. I would recommend the standard type.


Michael Gray

The project I am working on will need a relay for a 1/3 to 1/2 hp 240V
pump motor.

Have been trying to do my homework concerning possible solid state
relays to use.

So far the Teledyne S24A25 (zero crossing turn on) and the Crydom
A2425-10 (random turn on) seem quite similar except for the difference
in turn on.

Am wondering how much difference this actually makes?

Welcome any suggestions for these or other suitable solid state relays.



The principal difference is the amount of RF noise that is generated.

James Sweet

Michael Gray said:
The principal difference is the amount of RF noise that is generated.

And for an inductive load like a motor it's a particularly good idea to use
one with zero crossing.


Use the Zero Crossover one...I have been using them
on 1/2hp motors for 8 years with no failure
and they are outside where the temps are +30c
in the summer to -20c in the winter.


Franc Zabkar

The project I am working on will need a relay for a 1/3 to 1/2 hp 240V
pump motor.

Have been trying to do my homework concerning possible solid state
relays to use.

So far the Teledyne S24A25 (zero crossing turn on) and the Crydom
A2425-10 (random turn on) seem quite similar except for the difference
in turn on.

Am wondering how much difference this actually makes?

I'd concur with those who recommend the zero crossing types. For an
inductive load ...

V = L dI/dt + IR

.... so if V=0 at t=0, then I=0 and dI/dt = 0.

This ensures the softest start.

A capacitive load (eg main filter caps in PSUs) will also benefit from
zero-voltage startup as I = C dV/dt.

- Franc Zabkar