Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solderless breadboard suggestions



Could anyone suggest a qood quality solderless breadboard with enough size
for small microprocessor (8051, PIC) applications. I did a Google search
but I can't tell which one is better?


Check It Out

Depends on what your doing. Hobby or design. For hobby, will have
a big enough, good enough one.

For design work, I don't like them at all. I solder. For most stuff, I put
out an initial design on paper, route it, then get a proto pcb made. For the
$25 and under price for these one-offs, why bother with anything else,
especially with the speed you get them at 1-5 days easy.


Depends on what your doing. Hobby or design. For hobby, will have
a big enough, good enough one.

For design work, I don't like them at all. I solder. For most stuff, I put
out an initial design on paper, route it, then get a proto pcb made. For the
$25 and under price for these one-offs, why bother with anything else,
especially with the speed you get them at 1-5 days easy.
FWIW. 0.1" patch Montaprint is perfect for troughole components as
well as 0805 SMT.
I would place the DIL type chip(s) on a socket, and peripheral parts
in SMT. Some parts can be added *under* the chips - such as 100 nF SMD
HF block caps.

I am presently doing such a thing with an AVR Mega8, it builds very
compact, and the proto is solid enough to be used as a prototype.

Breadboards with intermittent contacts etc - not for me.

But YMMV...


Try Jameco. I still have 3 of their large breadboards from my college
days. I've made lot's of cool stuff on those for school and hobby. Go to and type "breadboard" in the search window.

You may also want to consider wirewrap proto boards too, depending on
your clock/signal/data frequencies and number of ICs for your project. I
just got a proto board with holes and IC sockets with wire wrap posts,
to fit my ICs. Plug your ICs into the sockets, stick the sockets in the
board, and point to point wire-wrap connect them. Electric wire wrap
guns cost $$$ but, manual wrapping tools are cheap.




For design work, I don't like them at all. I solder. on paper, route it, then get a proto pcb made.
Check It Out

Soldering to a plated-thru perf board may be an option for you,
but all the capacitance of the Proto Board(TM) stuff is A Bad Thing(TM).


Hi Bora,

Take a look at they have some proto boards
that are remarkable (My opinion). I also noticed that Forrest Mimms
recomends them strongly.

Best of luck, Doc


Actually, any breadboard, with sufficient
real-estate should work. I've done allot of
work using Radio Shack breadboards and not
had any problems to speak of. More important
than the breadboard is the layout of the
circuitry itself. There are also issues of
cross-talk and current leakage between the
connecting clips. If you keep the frequencies
within reason, you should have no problems.
If you're combining micro-power analog
circuitry within the test area, use caution
as the measured parameters may differ from
those of a finished printed circuit layout.
This phenomena is usually the result of
leakage. When I start a layout, I use
dummy dip sockets in place of the actual
components. Then I lay down a network of
wires for the grounding. Each ground pin
should have at least two connections to the
ground strip. Next, balance the positive
(and negative?) potential with an amount of
connections that you gave to the grounding.
This simple technique will ensure that your
circuitry has a low impedance power feed.
Finish off this preparatory phase with some
"dot-oh-one" decoupling capacitors at each
of the positive potential pins and a few
twenty-five uF tantalums between each of
the power rails. These capacitors should
reduce any coupling (noise) between the
chip-components. The secret to good
breadboarding is the use of lots of
redundant ground connections. You don't
want to go overboard, but simply to fool
the breadboard into's not one!
Of course, when you get done interconnecting
your building blocks, make sure you 'mush'
the wires down, flat against the breadboard.
This reduces intermittent wire connections...

Hope this helps!

Roy J. Tellason

DocBrown said:
Hi Bora,

Take a look at they have some proto boards
that are remarkable (My opinion). I also noticed that Forrest Mimms
recomends them strongly.

Best of luck, Doc

This is rather interesting-looking stuff!

I still have the pages loading, so haven't gotten to the parts about pricing,
etc. Nor am I clear as to how well this would work with digital chips, etc.
though perhaps a bit more browsing might prove informative...