Hello all, I've purchased a piece of circuit board from Radio Shack, and
am having a hard time soldering an IC (ULN2068B motor driver) chip to
it. The rest of the circuit is passive, and that's not a problem. It's
not my soldering skills. I'm guessing that the momentary heat is
killing the IC. Radio Shack makes some IC 'sockets' which you can
first solder on, then insert the chip... but the pins are < 1/4" long,
and once through the plastic board, there's no 'meat' to work with. Any
am having a hard time soldering an IC (ULN2068B motor driver) chip to
it. The rest of the circuit is passive, and that's not a problem. It's
not my soldering skills. I'm guessing that the momentary heat is
killing the IC. Radio Shack makes some IC 'sockets' which you can
first solder on, then insert the chip... but the pins are < 1/4" long,
and once through the plastic board, there's no 'meat' to work with. Any