Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Soldering Help/Button Layout on a PCB Board

I'm in the process of outfitting an old 1960s radio with a bluetooth speaker I got. I bought a bluetooth speaker and tore it apart since my knowledge of coding in that area is pretty weak. I've gotten everything working so far except for these buttons.

The code I wrote lets me use a potentiometer as the volume control and outputs a pulse if I turn the volume up or down, I have gotten it to work with LEDs so far. Essentially what I am trying to do is connect a wire from my Arduino to one of the button leads on this PCB board, allowing me to bypass having to press the button and just send a pulse directly into the board. I've tried just pressing a copper wire against the leads but have had no success at all in triggering the button remotely.

Anyone know where I need to solder to so I can send signals into the board without having to press the button?


(sorry if this is in the wrong section on the forum, this is my first post here)
More often than not, the switches sink an I/O line to ground when pressed.

How does dismantling a bluetooth (receiver) help to mitigate your weak coding skills?

Is the old radio being used only for aesthetics?

What "everything" have you got working?
More often than not, the switches sink an I/O line to ground when pressed.

How does dismantling a bluetooth (receiver) help to mitigate your weak coding skills?

Is the old radio being used only for aesthetics?

What "everything" have you got working?

I don't know how to code my own bluetooth module myself so I simply am taking the internals of a bluetooth speaker and wiring them up inside the old radio which is being used for aesthetics.

The old radio used a potentiometer to control the volume levels which I want to keep, the bluetooth speaker however has a volume up and volume down button. I'm trying to rewire the buttons to what I built (see video below)

The red LED represents volume up, green is down. I want to use these pulses and instead transfer them onto the PCB board to bypass having to press the buttons. My problem is that I don't know where to solder onto the PCB board to do this.
The B in PCB is board. The term 'PCB board' is redundant.

What is a pulse and why do you believe that's what you need?
The B in PCB is board. The term 'PCB board' is redundant.

What is a pulse and why do you believe that's what you need?

I want to use the potentiometer as an input instead of the buttons. As the video shows above, the Arduino sends out a pulse (or short signal) depending on which direction I turn the pot. This lets me turn the analog signal of the pot into digital, simple on/off signals that a button would normally output. I want to control the volume on the bluetooth speaker with these signals rather than the buttons.

In theory I should be able to supply the correct signal to the output terminal of where the button is on the speaker board, bypassing the button entirely. I just need some help figuring out if I need a + or - signal to supply, and to where on the PCB I should connect to.