Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solar setup question

Hey all hopefully last time I ask about solar for a while.
ok so will upload a pic to give an idea of what I want to do

So the question is
hypothetically I wanted to make something like this with the option of adding more solar, so more regulators etc, can anyone design the setup stages so that I can Piggyback them as needed and make a complete solar grid?
oh and the inverter might need to be piggy backed with others so having a way to monitor each and make sure they are working together would be AWESOME
Backfeed anything at all into the mains without authorisation and the supply authority will take you to the cleaners.
Be warned.
this is known and is not the intent.
the intent is to have some off the grid equipment that chews a butt load of power but is intermittent in use. power tools, dryer, 3d printer etc.... these are put in a shed that is not connected to the house via physical means including power.
also I don't want to run these on the mains as they are too expensive.
lastly I want to make a backyard solar hut to power some items for gardening so the battery and inverter will be portable.

having said all that this is not a small weekend thing I have been working on it has taken me a lot of time researching every aspect including shut offs, cooling, and secondary sources of power (hence mains IN not out
Your block diagram does not make sense. The part that stands out is the "mains" block. I have brought this to your attention previously so will not comment further. You obviously have no idea of the complexity of any system regarding multiple sources of generation and have been advised to keep clear of the dangers such inexperience can invoke.
ok so rather than trying to understand a diagram you just hammer on one aspect that YOU feel is dangerous without understanding what it is about... nice work.
so does anyone have any input on the actual question here?