Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solar Project to Power Computers during daytime


Scott Kraemer

Greetings Everyone!

I am finally taking the step to lower my utility bills! In the Summer
Months in Arizona From Jun - Sep I average 2900 kWh
Mostly is due to AC unit running (15 year old model! ) - I am upgrading
that in a few months. I run gas for heat and water/oven/stove.

Its the on peak kWh that is killing me (im on the 9am - 9pm plan) Typicaly
this month on-peak is 1137 kWh= $143.61 and off peak is 1770 kWh =
$34.18... (montly bill avg $300 in summer) so you see its basically just the
daytime I need this free solar power. During the non Summer times my bill
usually averages $85.00

However. I run some online servers 24x7. Two Computers one with a 450w
power supply (dont know actual load) and a 350w. and a few misc devices
(low wattage)

I have been doing alot of reading lately on this subject and getting ready
to order. I know that there are many panels to choose from however the
inverter/charger needs to fit my needs and I wont skimp on that.

I plan to start off with two or three 100w panels to a Xantrex DR2412
Inverter/Charger 12v 2400w. I am wondering if I can configure this to use
the panels durning the day, and when voltage drops switch to grid power
without the need for batteries? or will I need the batteries to offset the
wattage drops? If so what battery model would you suggest and quantity?
If I had more battery storage I have the grid charge them on off-peak hours
and use them for on peak.

Is the DR2412 the right inverter/charger package for what I want?

I appreciate your imput. As I learn I hope to contribute as I learn. Are
there any online web forums for this? I couldnt find much that wernt pushing
stuff on you.


Cydrome Leader

Scott Kraemer said:
Greetings Everyone!

I am finally taking the step to lower my utility bills! In the Summer
Months in Arizona From Jun - Sep I average 2900 kWh
Mostly is due to AC unit running (15 year old model! ) - I am upgrading
that in a few months. I run gas for heat and water/oven/stove.

Its the on peak kWh that is killing me (im on the 9am - 9pm plan) Typicaly
this month on-peak is 1137 kWh= $143.61 and off peak is 1770 kWh =
$34.18... (montly bill avg $300 in summer) so you see its basically just the
daytime I need this free solar power. During the non Summer times my bill
usually averages $85.00

However. I run some online servers 24x7. Two Computers one with a 450w
power supply (dont know actual load) and a 350w. and a few misc devices
(low wattage)

I have been doing alot of reading lately on this subject and getting ready
to order. I know that there are many panels to choose from however the
inverter/charger needs to fit my needs and I wont skimp on that.

I plan to start off with two or three 100w panels to a Xantrex DR2412
Inverter/Charger 12v 2400w. I am wondering if I can configure this to use
the panels durning the day, and when voltage drops switch to grid power
without the need for batteries? or will I need the batteries to offset the
wattage drops? If so what battery model would you suggest and quantity?
If I had more battery storage I have the grid charge them on off-peak hours
and use them for on peak.

Is the DR2412 the right inverter/charger package for what I want?

I appreciate your imput. As I learn I hope to contribute as I learn. Are
there any online web forums for this? I couldnt find much that wernt pushing
stuff on you.


There are 48 volt drop-in AT and ATX power supplies out there. I haven't
measured their efficiency, but it appeared they ran far cooler than the AC
equivalents. This was judged standing behind full racks of the exacty same
machines, some on 120, the rest on -48.

I suspect the telco power supplies were must made far better than generic
chinese garbage power supplies where higher efficiency = costs too much to


busdweller said:
Something like this may do it for you. I built this solar bungalow to
stay in when I have to go out of town for work. 9/51 watt panels, 8/6
volt golf cart batteries wired for 12 volts and a 1000 watt Xantrex
Freedom inverter/charger. It will power almost anything. It hinges on
both sides.




How much did all the parts cost ?



Free ? Bwahahahahahahaaa !

Wait til you see the cost of the panels and inverters.

The install costs arnt that insignificant either.
Around 30% of the total costs in Australia.
Id be interested in what install costs are in other countries.


Mauried said:
The install costs arnt that insignificant either.
Around 30% of the total costs in Australia.

Sounds very likely.

Id be interested in what install costs are in other countries.

Absolutely zero idea. Why anyone would want solar PV in a country like
mine that averages around 850 kWh p.a. of sunshine beats me. Might give
you about 350Wh daily with a 1 m2 panel. I could barely run my CFL
lighting on that, and in winter I'd have to live in the dark.


Bruce in alaska

Bob F said:
Or, you could charge batteries at night to run equipment during the day.

You should REALLY look at going to 24 Vdc, if your planning on getting
anywhere near 2K watts output. Trace makes the DR2424 and you can use
the same panels connected in series for 24 Vdc Charging. Just figure
out how many AMPS 2Kw is at 12 Vdc, and at 24 Vdc, and you will
understand the problem. Batteries don't like that kind of Amp draw.