Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solar Panel with small hobby motor

Hey everyone!

I'm just getting into hobby electronics and I have a quick question.

I have a 0.5W Solar Panel 6V and 1.5-3VDC Metal Gear Motor (both from radio shack)

why does the motor not work with this solar panel? Is the .5W to low to run the motor?

I'm confused because I know the solar panel works, it will light an LED fine. Also I know the motor works as I've attached it to a 3V and a 5V power supply and it runs fine.

I thought the 6V solar panel would be enough but does it have something to do with the .5W not being enough?

I hope this all makes sense, like I said i'm pretty new to this stuff.


also just incase it helps here are the links to the products

Solar panel:

Well, the motor does not list a current requirement. It is likely more than the 80mA your solar panel will supply.

And by the way, why are you trying to run a motor rated at 1.5-3V off a 6V power supply? If the power supply could supply enough current to run the motor, it would likely destroy it.
