Maker Pro
Maker Pro

solar panel reverse polarity protection issue

Does solar panel too requires reverse polarity protection OR reverse polarity protection is only required in case of battery???

I tried to explore internet and gone through various post but nowhere i found Reverse polarity protection for solar panel, instead i got reverse current flow to solar panel protection using MOSFET at panel side. It may be possible that same MOSFET might be protecting from reverse polarity too along with reverse current flow protection to solar panel but i am NOT sure.
But i am sure that the MOSFET used is for reverse current protection.

Do i require extra MOSFET for reverse polarity protection or the same MOSFET will do the job.
Please find the attachment. You will find MOSFET Q1 at right corner.

Can anyone guide me on this.??? It is really important to me.

Thank you..!!!


  • inquiry.png
    51.5 KB · Views: 152
Due to absent mindedness it may happen that sometime people connect panel or battery in reverse order. So just to avoid that reverse polarity protection is required.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Many grid connect inverters have a diode across the input to effectively short out the panels if you connect them on reverse.

If you do this, you need to be aware that you should not try to disconnect the panels until night falls...
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