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Solar Cell Sets World Efficiency Record



Solar Cell Sets World Efficiency Record
October 13th, 2008

We all want to get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels and their
side effects. Alternative sources of energy seems clean and green but
they have a poor conversion rate which makes some people extra cynical
about the viability of renewable energy. But researchers at U.S.
Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
have set a world record in solar cell efficiency. This photovoltaic
mechanism transforms 40.8 percent of the light that goes through it
into energy. This is the highest confirmed efficiency of any
photovoltaic device to date.

NREL’s Mark Wanlass is the person behind the invention of original
inverted cell. This design was awarded the R&D 100 award. His design
was improved upon by a team under the leadership of John Geisz. The
material properties of the mismatched semiconductors allows for
superior potential conversion of sunlight.

This new solar cell is using the constituents of gallium indium
phosphide and gallium indium arsenide for splitting the solar spectrum
into three equal parts. These spectrums of light are absorbed by
cell’s three junctions for better potential effectiveness. This system
is extremely thin and light, factors that contribute to the efficiency
of the solar cells. These cells have better performance, design,
operation and costs.

This photovoltaic device is meant for space satellites and for
terrestrial concentrated photovoltaic arrays which use mirrors or
lenses to focus sunlight onto the solar cells. The 40.8 percent
efficiency was calculated under the concentrated light of 326 suns.
One sun is equivalent to the quantity of light that naturally strikes
Earth on a bright day. This high efficiency solar cell is designed,
fabricated and independently measured at NREL.

Bob Eld

Solar Cell Sets World Efficiency Record
October 13th, 2008

We all want to get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels and their
side effects. Alternative sources of energy seems clean and green but
they have a poor conversion rate which makes some people extra cynical
about the viability of renewable energy. But researchers at U.S.
Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
have set a world record in solar cell efficiency. This photovoltaic
mechanism transforms 40.8 percent of the light that goes through it
into energy. This is the highest confirmed efficiency of any
photovoltaic device to date.

NREL’s Mark Wanlass is the person behind the invention of original
inverted cell. This design was awarded the R&D 100 award. His design
was improved upon by a team under the leadership of John Geisz. The
material properties of the mismatched semiconductors allows for
superior potential conversion of sunlight.

This new solar cell is using the constituents of gallium indium
phosphide and gallium indium arsenide for splitting the solar spectrum
into three equal parts. These spectrums of light are absorbed by
cell’s three junctions for better potential effectiveness. This system
is extremely thin and light, factors that contribute to the efficiency
of the solar cells. These cells have better performance, design,
operation and costs.

This photovoltaic device is meant for space satellites and for
terrestrial concentrated photovoltaic arrays which use mirrors or
lenses to focus sunlight onto the solar cells. The 40.8 percent
efficiency was calculated under the concentrated light of 326 suns.
One sun is equivalent to the quantity of light that naturally strikes
Earth on a bright day. This high efficiency solar cell is designed,
fabricated and independently measured at NREL.

That's very nice but solar cells have to get cheap and abundant made in high
volume to ever become contenders. Concentrated light systems increase the
efficiency and reduce the semiconductor material required but at a price,
the requirement of expensive and extensive focusing and tracking optics. In
other words, there is no "free lunch."

Also, focused systems don't output anything in overcast or cloudy
conditions. Whereas flat panel unfocused systems always put out something,
even if reduced when cloudy.

We've been seeing these promises for the last 30 years or so and still no
really cheap, viable high volume photovoltaic systems. I wouldn't hold my
breath on this one either. Exotic materials and processes really mean only
NASA will be able to afford it. Don't look for it on your house anytime

Ross Herbert

:Solar Cell Sets World Efficiency Record
:October 13th, 2008
:We all want to get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels and their
:side effects. Alternative sources of energy seems clean and green but
:they have a poor conversion rate which makes some people extra cynical
:about the viability of renewable energy. But researchers at U.S.
:Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
:have set a world record in solar cell efficiency. This photovoltaic
:mechanism transforms 40.8 percent of the light that goes through it
:into energy. This is the highest confirmed efficiency of any
:photovoltaic device to date.
:NREL’s Mark Wanlass is the person behind the invention of original
:inverted cell. This design was awarded the R&D 100 award. His design
:was improved upon by a team under the leadership of John Geisz. The
:material properties of the mismatched semiconductors allows for
:superior potential conversion of sunlight.
:This new solar cell is using the constituents of gallium indium
:phosphide and gallium indium arsenide for splitting the solar spectrum
:into three equal parts. These spectrums of light are absorbed by
:cell’s three junctions for better potential effectiveness. This system
:is extremely thin and light, factors that contribute to the efficiency
:eek:f the solar cells. These cells have better performance, design,
:eek:peration and costs.
:This photovoltaic device is meant for space satellites and for
:terrestrial concentrated photovoltaic arrays which use mirrors or
:lenses to focus sunlight onto the solar cells. The 40.8 percent
:efficiency was calculated under the concentrated light of 326 suns.
:One sun is equivalent to the quantity of light that naturally strikes
:Earth on a bright day. This high efficiency solar cell is designed,
:fabricated and independently measured at NREL.

On the face of it it sounds good.... BUT to achieve 40.8% efficiency that cell
needed concentrated sunlight equivalent to 236 suns. As such they would have to
be capable of withstanding scorching temperatures by using an extremely
efficient cooling system. This makes the technology good for only highly
commercial solar farms and not the sort of thing the average joe homeowner would

A more effective approach is to have moderate efficiency combined with skillful
design so that less silicon is required for a given output power using standard
panel construction and no requirement for forced cooling. One method which can
do this is Sliver Cell technology