Maker Pro
Maker Pro

So I'm pretty sure this is a new low for TV.

So I'm watching the NBA Finals, when a commercial break comes on. What followed was this video (below) that really got me thinking, this is probably a new low. Noticed a ton of innuendos, bearing in mind my 6 year old watches the Finals with me. What's your take?



hahaha so funny .....
for the reason that I see that song video just about every single day for the last 3 weeks
I just started going to a new gym around the corner from my workplace and the MTV channel is playing constantly and during my
~ 1 hr of activities there I see that and a couple of dozen other videos over and over again

actually its pretty tame compared to one other one with an asian guy "singer" and I use that term loosely
when he's doing all sorts of mean thinks to girls in the clip
pulling chairs out from under them as they go to sit blah blah

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What can be said?
It'll sell the product to kids. (Has your six-year-old asked for one yet?)
You're thinking the ad was aimed at you, it was aimed at your six-year-old and
any other kid up through their teens.