Maker Pro
Maker Pro

So glad I found you!

Hey everyone,
I know some basic electronic concepts, but I'm far from proficient. I've built a couple projects from scratch and with brute force and determination have repaired several units of consumer electronics. I really enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of being self sufficient.
Sometimes however, I realize that I'm in over my head and need some outside help to steer my efforts. And I'm happy to share my experiences with those folks that could benefit from successes.

Thanks in advance!
oh mighty god of beer we welcome you with open arms and hope you shower us with alcoholic gifts, in return we will make offerings to you of information and knowledge........ or you can just ask and we will respond lol
anyway if you ever get bored and want to share some projects you have made I am always up for seeing new stuff made at home. Another member on this page knows how many ideas I have that won't see the light of day until I get my 3d printer going, then I need about 5 other machines lol
I guess I forgot to mention that I'm a brewmaster by trade. I would gladly trade beer for advice here, but photos of a frosty pint fall short of having one in your hand.