Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Snubber Circuit

I am trying to design a snubber circuit. I have a switching power supply which uses a LNK613 switch. My problem lies in the fact that when I power up an electric razor, I get an inductive kick, which messes up my power source. It spikes my voltage up and down, and I want to prevent it from going lower than 2.3V.
I'm assuming it's the phenomenon of the inductive kick, since the switch is turning on/off and the inductive load (electric razor motor) resists the changing electric current and spikes the voltage up/down. I would like to design a snubber, but I don't know where to connect it to. Would I hook it up to the Drain and Source of the LNK613? Also, I cannot obtain values for snubber capacitance and snubber resistance. I have never done a snubber before.
Put a back emf diode across the motor. Aslong as the motor only goes in the same direction. I think this will work.