Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Snubber Circuit For induction motor

Hai,I'm trying to drive an bi-directional induction motor with BT136 triac,but often the TRAIC is blown up.So I tried to use the snubber circuit to avoid this issue.But I'm new to snubber design.

So please advice is this circuit is corrector have to change the circuit.

The induction motor is 230VAC operating and consume 1.4A in normal operation.


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What type of motor is it, if bi-directional, then I assume it is a PSC motor if induction, if so you would need to swap the start run winding's over to reverse.
A snubber around 150ohm in series with a .1uf cap for a start might solve the failure problem.
What type of motor is it, if bi-directional, then I assume it is a PSC motor if induction, if so you would need to swap the start run winding's over to reverse.
A snubber around 150ohm in series with a .1uf cap for a start might solve the failure problem.
Can you check the diagram which attached in previous post..Is it correct..?
Can you check the diagram which attached in previous post..Is it correct..?

The Snubber (with around 150 Ohms and a .05 uF in series) should be Directly Across the Triac. In your schematic shown the Opto is being fed from the tapping of the RC combination.