Maker Pro
Maker Pro

SMT reflow oven (again)... Temperature measurement.


The Cheese Machine

OK, I like the idea. I've found a suitable donor toaster oven (Hinari Tiny
Top, 19ukp), all I need now is to develop the control stuff.

Elektor have published an article this month using the Maxim MAX6675 along
with a type-K thermocouple for temperature measurement. This seems to be a
very convenient device... direct thermocouple to microcontroller (SPI)
interface - except, the part isn't currently available here in the UK
(Maxim's UK disti quoting 19 weeks delivery)

I know there are other existing (analogue) cold-junction compensated
thermocouple interfaces out there, but I like the direct-to-digital
approach of the MAX6675.

Are there any other devices out there that would suit?

The Cheese Machine skrev:
OK, I like the idea. I've found a suitable donor toaster oven (Hinari Tiny
Top, 19ukp), all I need now is to develop the control stuff.

Elektor have published an article this month using the Maxim MAX6675 along
with a type-K thermocouple for temperature measurement. This seems to be a
very convenient device... direct thermocouple to microcontroller (SPI)
interface - except, the part isn't currently available here in the UK
(Maxim's UK disti quoting 19 weeks delivery)

I know there are other existing (analogue) cold-junction compensated
thermocouple interfaces out there, but I like the direct-to-digital
approach of the MAX6675.

Are there any other devices out there that would suit?


if you only need one or two order a sample directly from


Robert Lacoste

The Cheese Machine said:
OK, I like the idea. I've found a suitable donor toaster oven (Hinari Tiny
Top, 19ukp), all I need now is to develop the control stuff.

Elektor have published an article this month using the Maxim MAX6675 along
with a type-K thermocouple for temperature measurement. This seems to be a
very convenient device... direct thermocouple to microcontroller (SPI)
interface - except, the part isn't currently available here in the UK
(Maxim's UK disti quoting 19 weeks delivery)

I know there are other existing (analogue) cold-junction compensated
thermocouple interfaces out there, but I like the direct-to-digital
approach of the MAX6675.

Are there any other devices out there that would suit?


Another article on the same subject, but published one year earlier :

Robert Baer

The said:
OK, I like the idea. I've found a suitable donor toaster oven (Hinari Tiny
Top, 19ukp), all I need now is to develop the control stuff.

Elektor have published an article this month using the Maxim MAX6675 along
with a type-K thermocouple for temperature measurement. This seems to be a
very convenient device... direct thermocouple to microcontroller (SPI)
interface - except, the part isn't currently available here in the UK
(Maxim's UK disti quoting 19 weeks delivery)

I know there are other existing (analogue) cold-junction compensated
thermocouple interfaces out there, but I like the direct-to-digital
approach of the MAX6675.

Are there any other devices out there that would suit?

19 weeks means they have yet to dig the mines for the material...


The said:
OK, I like the idea. I've found a suitable donor toaster oven (Hinari Tiny
Top, 19ukp), all I need now is to develop the control stuff.

Elektor have published an article this month using the Maxim MAX6675 along
with a type-K thermocouple for temperature measurement. This seems to be a
very convenient device... direct thermocouple to microcontroller (SPI)
interface - except, the part isn't currently available here in the UK
(Maxim's UK disti quoting 19 weeks delivery)

I know there are other existing (analogue) cold-junction compensated
thermocouple interfaces out there, but I like the direct-to-digital
approach of the MAX6675.

Are there any other devices out there that would suit?


I used that part for my reflow oven. It works really well. I have been
using it to solder BGA parts. Files are on the net at or extracted at The code works on Linux, and could
use some improvement. I have not yet seen the Elektor article, and
there may be some differences in our designs.

I couldn't get one here is the US, so I requested samples. Two came in
the mail a week later. Maxim has some really nice parts, but can make
them quite difficult to buy. Digikey here carries them, but never has
anything more complicated than a MAX232 in stock. Maxim does have an
online store on their website. I haven't tried that yet, but am hoping
it works since the MAX5893 DAC may end up in my next project.

If you can't get one, I may be able to mail you the other sample I got.

Darrell Harmon