Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Smartcard reader project


Joe G \(Home\)

Hi All,

I would like to develop a simple contact smartcard reader to ISO7816...
with a little bit of security... using the Philips TDA8009 IC and a micro.

What cards would you recommend and where would you get them from in small

What protocols/standards would you suggest with a little bit of security.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions amd info.


Rafael Deliano

a simple contact smartcard reader to ISO7816...
using the Philips TDA8009 IC and a micro.
Are you sure you need that IC ?
Sorry text is in German, but circuit should be obvious.
The official protocol for "smartcards" with processors
nominally requires a UART. But as transfer is halfduplex
its easy to do it via a software-UART. You probably will
not use that type of card anyway.
With simpler/cheaper cards like SLE44xx its bitbanging.
with a little bit of security...
That probably excludes repackaged I2C-EEPROMs.
Do you want to store data or only have a "key" ?
For reading unprotected, but writing protected by PIN:
here in Germany mainly SLE4442 ( 256 byte ) and SLE4428
( 1k byte ) are readily available for small volume applications.
Try google & ebay for sellers.



You can buy these commercially from £10 or so, ready to go + free software.
typical cards are FUN4, Titanium2 etc.