Mad Scientist Jr
I would like to hook up a variable capacitor to some audio circuits I
built for learning about synths and amps
(schematics are here:
http://www.geocities.com/usenet_daughter/tone_generators.htm )
because in some of these the capacitors change the pitch, tone or
other qualities.
These circuits run off a 9V battery and use capacitors with ratings
such as
220 uF
0.1 uF,
0.01 uF
0.047 uF
so I would want variable caps in this range.
Do these exist? Online all I am seeing is ones rated in pF.
Also, assuming I find these, and get them working in the circuit, and
find a desired setting for a capacitor, how do you measure the
capacitance? I have a multimeter but have really only used it to
measure ohms.
built for learning about synths and amps
(schematics are here:
http://www.geocities.com/usenet_daughter/tone_generators.htm )
because in some of these the capacitors change the pitch, tone or
other qualities.
These circuits run off a 9V battery and use capacitors with ratings
such as
220 uF
0.1 uF,
0.01 uF
0.047 uF
so I would want variable caps in this range.
Do these exist? Online all I am seeing is ones rated in pF.
Also, assuming I find these, and get them working in the circuit, and
find a desired setting for a capacitor, how do you measure the
capacitance? I have a multimeter but have really only used it to
measure ohms.