Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Small Project Advice

Hi all,
I’m after some advice on what I think/hope is a relatively small project in making a soppy/romantic present for my Girlfriend.
So will save the overall details to avoid mocking/pointing and laughing, but as much as I am capable enough I don’t have the experience on the numerous so would really appreciate some pointers to avoid going down the wrong path before I properly begin.

Essentially I would like to run some led lighting (8 individual led lights) and audio in a box slightly smaller than a shoe box taking up as little space as possible;

Play sound and sequence of led lights when turned on -> then loop on a default sound and led sequence -> 2 buttons on box, press either one would play another audio file (30 seconds long or more) and different led sequence before returning to the default audio and lighting -> play sound and led sequence when turned off

So hopefully not too complicated but any advice on best components to use/potential pit falls and explained to a borderline moron really would be appreciated.
If I were to make an electronic gadget for my wife as a gift, I would have divorce filed in the time it takes her to get to a solicitor.

Flowers are simpler, cheaper and much better received.

.... or is the intention to test your girlfriend's commitment to you?
If I were to make an electronic gadget for my wife as a gift, I would have divorce filed in the time it takes her to get to a solicitor.

Flowers are simpler, cheaper and much better received.

.... or is the intention to test your girlfriend's commitment to you?

haha it’s how I know she’s the one! Made her something last year and now I’m upping the ante ... though I’ve made a rod for my own back and wish I had just gone for flowers from the start!

Harald Kapp

An Arduino is well suited to the sequencing, button reading etc. An Arduino Nano will probably suffice although an Arduino Uno will easily fit into a box of the size you envisioned. Lots of libraries and programming examples for the Arduino are freely available.

A MP3 sound module can store and play the different sound snippets. Here's an example of one such module used with an Arduino. You may want to add an amplifier module to increase the loudness of the sound.

If you want all the LEDs to be of the same color, use a piece of RGB LED strip.
If you want interesting light patterns with the LEDs having different colors, use a piece of addressable LED string (WS2812B).
Thanks for the advice Harald - it really is appreciated, especially for not suggesting I don't do it which seems to be the advice elsewhere also :)
Well to be honest this is probably going to be part of a semi-elaborate proposal early in the new year hence me pushing the boat out a little, then I think either way after that I can revert to the simpler life :)
That is a good idea. I made a valentine for my wife out of construction paper and I wrote on the front for her to be My valentine with an exclamation point. I made a small hole to mount an LED in the hole. I then wrote I LOVE YOU with another exclamation point with an LED like the other one. I made an astable multivaber using the LEDs and glued them to the back of the valentine and mounting them on a 9v battery. It still works and she treasures It.
adding the love blinky! then shell know you can make ur own transmitters once u proove it to her right, get the other guy to nod. girls can tell if your doing better than the other tech guy over the room. let me tell you.