Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Small audio amp advice


Bart Bervoets

For a friend who is at presently building a full body lion
costume i am looking into a way to make the lion roar.
What i will need is an amp and speaker as small as
possible but with a high carrying range/distance.
Only mono suits the purpose.
Anything that we could build as compact as possible
and that can be powered off a small 12V dry battery?
Suggestions welcome.

Bart Bervoets
: For a friend who is at presently building a full body lion
: costume i am looking into a way to make the lion roar.
: What i will need is an amp and speaker as small as
: possible but with a high carrying range/distance.
: Only mono suits the purpose.
: Anything that we could build as compact as possible
: and that can be powered off a small 12V dry battery?
: Suggestions welcome.

: Bart Bervoets

Any of the class D amp chips/modules should work. Googling gainclone will
provide a lot of info on National's line of chips. The hard part will be
finding a speaker that is small and still able to produce the sound level
you want.