Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Single mother in need of explanation

Thank you in advance for your time. I found a neat project to do with
my 14 year old son, but would like to know the science behind it so it
will be educational.

Here is the video link.

It is a fire cracker experiment, and I know he will love it, but I am
clueless as to how this makes my car run.

Robert Baer

Thank you in advance for your time. I found a neat project to do with
my 14 year old son, but would like to know the science behind it so it
will be educational.

Here is the video link.

It is a fire cracker experiment, and I know he will love it, but I am
clueless as to how this makes my car run.
I am unable to look at the video as i am on dial-up.
Before continuing, may i say that firecrackers are dangerous and a
finger, or hand, or eye can be destroyed without the proper care in
handling and use of shielding?

Here is the idea: in the car are pistons (moveable cylindrical
devices) that are sealed in a cylindrical chamber so that they can only
move up and down.
Simplisticly speaking, when they are at the top, a mixture of
gasoline and air is introduced and exploded with a spark.
The resulting pressure pushes the piston down - and that motion is
indirectly transferred to move the car.
A firecracker can be exploded also, and if a fixture is properly
engineered to take advantage of that, the expanding gasses could be used
to impart motion to a wheel (the transfer would be more direct than in a

The engineering of that fixture must be carefully done using
materials that will not be cracked or shattered by the explosion (think
*safety*), and shileding should be added as well, again for safety.