Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple Single Pulse Generator

A real noob here.
OK - I've had a bit of experience building kits and the like but not designing one.

I want a small simple circuit able to produce a single pulse output of varying duration, independant of trigger length. I've played with using a monostable 555 circuit but getting the trigger pulse short enough is catching me out, without resorting to a signal generator for the clock/trigger which kind of defeats the purpose :)

Requirements -
1: 12 ish V in, 12 ish V out.
2: Trigger = simple push button switch, non latching
3: Output = SIngle pulse, variable width. What do you reckon the range could be? ideally I want around 100 uS up to 1 Sec. for ease a variable resistor or something would be good but if I need to switch components in and out then so be it. I'm happy to play with different component values to alter the time.

It dosent have to be precise. All I want is a single pulse to go from 0V to 12V once when I press a switch, and not even exactly when I press the switch, a delay there is OK too. I guess a cap discharge could do it but not sure where to start with limiting it. I even thought of using a cap to trigger the 555 but I was concerned I was overly complicating what should be a fairly simple process.

Thanks heaps in advance for any ideas !!!



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You need to debounce the switch, then convert the (variable length) pulse you get from that into a very brief pulse, then simply use that to trigger a 555 monostable.

You can actually use another 555 to debounce a switch, and even though it's overkill, it means you're (kinda) building two of the same circuit.

You also may need to do some signal inversion. Google for "non-retriggerable 555 monostable" and you'll probably get something
If you have the pushbutton switch trigger a flip flop, then the flip flop will take care of the debouncing. Then feed the output of the flip flop to trigger 555 configured as a one shot circuit with a variable pulse duration.

For this, you may have to add another pushbutton so that you can re-arm (reset) the flip flop.

It all depends on how fast you want to trigger a pulse again and again.