Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple Question Register Transfer Notation


Van Nastring

Hi, I'm studying for my exam, I came across this question and am stumped.
Describe the characteristics of a JK flip-flop in register transfer
notation. I know the characteristics of a JK flip-flop and I know register
transfer notation, but I don't know how to express it.


Van Nastring said:
Hi, I'm studying for my exam, I came across this question and am stumped.
Describe the characteristics of a JK flip-flop in register transfer
notation. I know the characteristics of a JK flip-flop and I know register
transfer notation, but I don't know how to express it.

Try asking in comp.arch.fpga

However, this should be easy for someone who knows RTL (like you?).

Can you do a D flipflop in RTL? If not, you had better make sure you really
understand simple RTL, first. Having someone give you the answer won't
necessarily help you learn.

If you have access to a simulator then you should use it as a learning tool.
Try doing your own JK and see if it simulates properly.

Good HDL coders are in demand, and they make VERY good money.

End of speech ;-)


Rich Grise

You mean they pay people to write

J K Q Q'
0 0 Q0 Q'0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 Q'0 Q0 ?

(except I'm not sure about Q0 and Q'0 - I should
probably feed them back and give them lower-case

Reminds me of the time I was coding in Pascal after
looking at it for 10 minutes or so. (had a lot of C
at the time, however.)

(I had to look up the official definition of "Register
Transfer Function," and it was pretty much what it
sounds like; basically, A Truth Table.)




No, they don't pay people to write truth tables. I'm pretty sure that the OP
was asking about RTL (register transfer level), which is one way of
describing circuits in an HDL (hardware description language) like VHDL or

You should have bought a vowel, or used a lifeline. Also, the walrus was
