Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple IR remote control kit?


Richard Rasker

Hi all,

I'm designing a product which requires an IR remote control with just two
functions: "on" and "off". I figured I could simply choose an IR kit (i.e.
handset + receiver/decoder) from a local supplier of electronics kits, but
to my amazement, I can't find any such kits. Neither Farnell nor Conrad has
anything matching my specifications.

Conrad does have 2-channel 433MHz RF remote controls, but I can't use these,
as product safety requires that the user must always have the product in
sight when operating it.
Now I could of course design a remote control circuit myself, but that would
easily double my amount of work, involving programming controllers, finding
a suitable handset casing with a battery compartment etcetera.

Also, the remote control kit would have to be commercially available for a
few years to come at least, so I'm not looking for converted toy car
controls or the likes.

Could anyone point me to a solution? Or is there perhaps a company out
there, producing remote controls upon specification? And if it turns out to
be "roll-your-own" after all, does anyone know of a suitable PIC-based
solution (as I can only program PIC controllers at the moment)? That would
at least save me the trouble of writing the software.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, best regards,

Richard Rasker

Jan Panteltje

Hi all,

I'm designing a product which requires an IR remote control with just two
functions: "on" and "off". I figured I could simply choose an IR kit (i.e.
handset + receiver/decoder) from a local supplier of electronics kits, but
to my amazement, I can't find any such kits. Neither Farnell nor Conrad has
anything matching my specifications.

Conrad does have 2-channel 433MHz RF remote controls, but I can't use these,
as product safety requires that the user must always have the product in
sight when operating it.

That will not work with IR either, IR can be reflected from walls.
Basicaly I can control my DVD player wheile looking the other way.

And if it turns out to
be "roll-your-own" after all, does anyone know of a suitable PIC-based
solution (as I can only program PIC controllers at the moment)? That would
at least save me the trouble of writing the software.

Maybe the Microchip application notes can help:

Rich Webb

Richard said:
Hi all,

I'm designing a product which requires an IR remote control with just two
functions: "on" and "off". I figured I could simply choose an IR kit (i.e.
handset + receiver/decoder) from a local supplier of electronics kits, but
to my amazement, I can't find any such kits. Neither Farnell nor Conrad has
anything matching my specifications.

Conrad does have 2-channel 433MHz RF remote controls, but I can't use these,
as product safety requires that the user must always have the product in
sight when operating it.
Now I could of course design a remote control circuit myself, but that would
easily double my amount of work, involving programming controllers, finding
a suitable handset casing with a battery compartment etcetera.

Also, the remote control kit would have to be commercially available for a
few years to come at least, so I'm not looking for converted toy car
controls or the likes.

Could anyone point me to a solution? Or is there perhaps a company out
there, producing remote controls upon specification? And if it turns out to
be "roll-your-own" after all, does anyone know of a suitable PIC-based
solution (as I can only program PIC controllers at the moment)? That would
at least save me the trouble of writing the software.

How about
and their

Several other options available there.

Richard Rasker

OK, this key fob is indeed what I'm looking for, although they don't seem to
offer a suitable decoder. But perhaps I'll follow up on Jan Panteltje's
advice and start out with one of Microchip's application notes, building my
own decoder.

Thanks for the reply, best regards,

Richard Rasker

Richard Rasker

Richard, Take a look at Rainbow Kits ( They have an
IR Transmitter/Receiver Kit (Model IR-5)

Thanks for your reply, but I can't find this kit on their site. They do
offer the IR-2 kit, but that one is a bit too simple: AFAICT, it uses a
non-encoded 40kHz signal, which means that an arbitrary remote control can
trigger the receiver. I think I'll have to build my own receiver/decoder
after all.

Richard Rasker


Richard said:
Thanks for your reply, but I can't find this kit on their site. They do
offer the IR-2 kit, but that one is a bit too simple: AFAICT, it uses a
non-encoded 40kHz signal, which means that an arbitrary remote control can
trigger the receiver. I think I'll have to build my own receiver/decoder
after all.

Richard Rasker

Richard Rasker

Ah, yes, there's the IR-5 -- but for all I can see, it's almost identical to
the IR-2, with the same flaw: it responds to any remote control used in the
vicinity (it even says so in the specifications: "You can use the receiver
to test TV or VCR remote controls."). For my application (a motorized piece
of furniture for use in the living room), I need an IR remote control with
its own, unique code.

But thanks all the same for taking the trouble to dig up the PDF :)

Best regards,

Richard Rasker