Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple circuit parts



Hi guys

I want to build this simple circuit to power my Xbox on and off via an IR
remote control

Whilst I'm OK with soldering and building the circuit, I've got no idea when
it comes to components. Could someone have a quick run through these parts
and make sure they are what I need (the urls are to the RS components UK
website and Maplins UK)

IC -
IR Reciver -
Diode -
R1 & R2 - (codes D10K & D47K)
C1 - (code BX03D)
C2 - got no idea anyone help please

Many Thanks


Rich Grise

I want to build this simple circuit to power my Xbox on and off via an IR
remote control

Whilst I'm OK with soldering and building the circuit, I've got no idea when
it comes to components. Could someone have a quick run through these parts
and make sure they are what I need (the urls are to the RS components UK
website and Maplins UK)

IC -
IR Reciver -
Diode -
R1 & R2 - (codes D10K & D47K)
C1 - (code BX03D)
C2 - got no idea anyone help please

I have no idea - your tinyurls want me to register. Why not download the
pages and slap them up on your website?

Good Luck,


I have no idea - your tinyurls want me to register. Why not download the
pages and slap them up on your website?

Better, post the RS order numbers. Anyone can then go to
and enter the part code in the search box. That's the easiest way to point
others to RS parts from anywhere, at any time, and still guarantee they get
up to date info.

Anthony Fremont

Jim said:
Hi guys

I want to build this simple circuit to power my Xbox on and off via
an IR remote control

Whilst I'm OK with soldering and building the circuit, I've got no
idea when it comes to components. Could someone have a quick run
through these parts and make sure they are what I need (the urls are
to the RS components UK website and Maplins UK)

Sorry, your links don't seem to work now.

That is a PIC, you can get them many places. The issue will be getting it
programmed. I can probably help you out since the HEX file is available. I
don't see any source code though. :-(

These are pretty generic, so any will do fine. It just has to be made for
the right frequency (56kHz aparently).

Any 1/4W or 1/8W carbon-comp should do.
C1 - (code BX03D)
C2 - got no idea anyone help please

You want a ceramice disc for C1 and an electrolytic for C2. Since the
voltage in the circuit is so low, almost any will do.

I looked at the schematic, and there are some things I wonder about. Most
IR receivers have an open-collector output (meaning they can't supply a
positive drive voltage on their own). I would expect to see an external
pull-up resistor, I assume the creator is using the "weak" pull-ups built
into the PIC. This may work ok, but may also be prone to noise pickup
especially if the wires are longish.

Too bad he didn't seem to provide the source, or I could have easily
converted it to run on a smaller, cheaper PIC that I happen to have on hand.

Tim Duke

Hi Jim,

The Tiny URL's that you have posted, take us to the RS website, but it tells
me that the session has timed out! You would be much better off posting the
RS order codes for us to look at.




Jim said:
Hi guys

I want to build this simple circuit to power my Xbox on and off via an IR
remote control

Whilst I'm OK with soldering and building the circuit, I've got no idea when
it comes to components. Could someone have a quick run through these parts
and make sure they are what I need (the urls are to the RS components UK
website and Maplins UK)

IC -
IR Reciver -
Diode -
R1 & R2 - (codes D10K & D47K)
C1 - (code BX03D)
C2 - got no idea anyone help please

Many Thanks


If your goal is the learning experience, go for it.
If you only care about remoting the thing, you could
easily hack an old R/C toy car. You can still experiment
and learn with the project as you outlined it, and
you'll already be able to use xbox remotely while you
play with the project. You'll have the hacked remote
done in an afternoon with two relays, 4 diodes and a
power supply. Conceptually:

+V -------------+-----+
| | ---o--> To xbox
[RLY1] [D2] ^--o-->
| |a
A >-----|<----+-----+---o---
D1 o--^ RLY1 -1 n/o contact
B >----->|----+-----+ o---
D3 | | ^ RLY2 n/c contact
[RLY2] [D4] o--'
| |a |
Gnd ------------+-----+---+

Points A and B are the wires in the R/C car
that normally connect to the motor.
Run the car forward & RLY1 energizes and
stays energyzed through its own open point
and the closed point on RLY2. Run the car
backwards, and RLY2 energizes, dropping
out RLY1. The RLY1-2 contact set goes to
the xbox.


Lord Garth

ehsjr said:
Jim wrote:

You'll need a suitable PIC programmer and what do you use for transmitting
the on /off command?

I'm assuming the PIC decodes some sequence of Ir pulses...perhaps it's

Franc Zabkar

Thanks for trying guys, obviously I've still got a bit to learn ! Got npo
idea how to upload pages to a web site but the RS codes are

PIC - 379-2869
IR Receiver - 267-8289

The rest are Maplins so should work

Diode -
R1 & R2 - (codes D10K & D47K)
C1 - (code BX03D)
C2 - got no idea anyone help please

It's a 47uF 6.3V electrolytic capacitor, or 47uF 10V, or 47uF 16V.
Connect its + terminal to the +3.3V supply, and - terminal to ground.
And the circuit is found here



- Franc Zabkar


Hi, thanks to all that replied

Think I'm getting there.

I do have an 'Elvis' programmer which does PIC chips left over from when I
used to play about with satllite TV, just need to dig it out and refresh
myself how to use it !

My understanding is that the hex code will program the PIC to react to a
given IR code (the 0 button and diplay buttons on the Xbox remote if I've
read the xirremote site correctly) My plan is to download these codes into
my learning remote so that I only need the one remote to control all my kit

Any other input still welcome



Franc Zabkar

Hi, thanks to all that replied

Think I'm getting there.

I do have an 'Elvis' programmer which does PIC chips left over from when I
used to play about with satllite TV, just need to dig it out and refresh
myself how to use it !

My understanding is that the hex code will program the PIC to react to a
given IR code (the 0 button and diplay buttons on the Xbox remote if I've
read the xirremote site correctly) My plan is to download these codes into
my learning remote so that I only need the one remote to control all my kit

Any other input still welcome



Just a question to those who are watching this thread.

Are learning remotes fixed frequency devices (eg 38kHz) or are they
able to learn the modulation frequency in addition to the various

I can envisage sensitivity problems if the remote's frequency is fixed
at 38kHz when the Xbox expects 56kHz.

- Franc Zabkar


ehsjr said:
Jim said:
Hi guys

I want to build this simple circuit to power my Xbox on and off via an
IR remote control

Whilst I'm OK with soldering and building the circuit, I've got no
idea when it comes to components. Could someone have a quick run
through these parts and make sure they are what I need (the urls are
to the RS components UK website and Maplins UK)

IC -
IR Reciver -
Diode -
R1 & R2 - (codes D10K & D47K)
C1 - (code BX03D)
C2 - got no idea anyone help please

Many Thanks


If your goal is the learning experience, go for it.
If you only care about remoting the thing, you could
easily hack an old R/C toy car. You can still experiment
and learn with the project as you outlined it, and
you'll already be able to use xbox remotely while you
play with the project. You'll have the hacked remote
done in an afternoon with two relays, 4 diodes and a
power supply. Conceptually:

+V -------------+-----+
| | ---o--> To xbox
[RLY1] [D2] ^--o-->
| |a
A >-----|<----+-----+---o---
D1 o--^ RLY1 -1 n/o contact
B >----->|----+-----+ o---
D3 | | ^ RLY2 n/c contact
[RLY2] [D4] o--'
| |a |
Gnd ------------+-----+---+

Points A and B are the wires in the R/C car
that normally connect to the motor.
Run the car forward & RLY1 energizes and
stays energyzed through its own open point
and the closed point on RLY2. Run the car
backwards, and RLY2 energizes, dropping
out RLY1. The RLY1-2 contact set goes to
the xbox.


Updated op via email. Circuit correction
(use A or B, not A and B) below:

+V -------------+-----+
| | ---o--> To xbox
[RLY1] [D2] ^--o-->
| |a
A >--+--|<----+-----+---o---
B > | D1 o--^ RLY1 -1 n/o contact
| |
+-->|----+-----+ o---
D3 | | ^ RLY2 n/c contact
[RLY2] [D4] o--'
| |a |
Gnd ------------+-----+---+