Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple 555 dc pulse generator.

I found a circuit in my electronics book for makeing a dc pulse
generator based on an NE555. The circuit includes a pot for adjusting
the frequency. I am going to use this simple generator for driving an
ignition coil which power a Tesla coil. im wondering if I could build
this circuit and then after the generator, before the coil, place a
voltage divider where on of the resistors is a pot for adjusting the
voltage, and then another pot in series with this output the make a
square wave generator with adjustable voltage, frequency, and current.


place a voltage divider where one of the resistors is a pot for adjusting
Yes a pot. setup as a voltage divider will allow you to adjust the
output voltage, however I think you will find you need more drive for your
ignition coil. That means your 555 will end up driving the base of a power
transistor or a FET.
If you keep looking you will find a 555 circuit with independently
adjustable on and off times, it has two diodes in the trigger/ discharge
circuit. This will allow you to experiment for the best on time.

Mike K.
Thanks. I hadn't realy considered the power levels a 555 can handle, I
had only thought about them breifly. I have a couple of 2N3055's
already mouned on heatsinks I can use. Do you know how many watts a
typical igniton coil can switch? I am hoping for an output of 5-10 kv
at at least 1 ma.

Winfield Hill

[email protected] wrote...
Do you know how many watts a typical igniton coil can switch?
I am hoping for an output of 5-10 kv at at least 1 ma.

10 to 20 watts? Considering the inefficiencies, that should
be good for 10 to 20kV, which won't make much of a spark!

Winfield Hill

amdxjunk wrote...
I'm not not one to second guess Win,
(except on politics ;-) However I found
this site that suggests the coil will draw
about 5 amps at 6 to 8 volts. The low voltage is
described in the article. About 100 watts at 12 Volts.

My reference was to the available output power, under actual
operating conditions (not DC). Also, it was a total WAG. :>)
I don't believe it's a good starting point for a Tesla coil.


Win, I agree it's probably not the best starting point, however he is a 14
yr old newbie that is smart enough to get some
experience on a 12 v pulsed system before he hooks onto a 12kv 30ma.
current system.
Mike K.