Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simon 2 - Remote Keypad


Bob La Londe

Wireless Keypad for Simon 2? Which model(s) work. All I see in the
currently catalogs are for Simon 3. No need otherwise to upgrade the
clients control. (one of the accounts I bought, not one I installed)

Bob La Londe

Nevermind found it.

Actually I called GE and had one of their tech guys give me a part number.
Then I went to look it up on their website and could not find it even by
punching the part number.

The tech guy suggested I Google it. LOL. I couldn't help myself. I had to
put mock words in his mouth.

"Our website sucks, look it up on Google."

Found a nice picture and description of it on several reseller websites.

Mark Leuck

Bob La Londe said:
Nevermind found it.

Actually I called GE and had one of their tech guys give me a part number.
Then I went to look it up on their website and could not find it even by
punching the part number.

The tech guy suggested I Google it. LOL. I couldn't help myself. I had to
put mock words in his mouth.

"Our website sucks, look it up on Google."

He's right the website does suck