Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Shure Wireless Mic

I'm trying to repair a Shure Wireless Mic. However, I have tried to look into local shops and internet shops for the missing pin connector used in these microphones. I have no idea what they are called or where they sell them. These basically look like a 45 degrees v shaped flexible copper pins that connects the contacts when you screw on the mic head(grill).

Pictures are attached to see how they work.

If anyone knows what the connectors are called or where I can get them, it would be very helpful.



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They are not connectors as such, they are just small gold plated brass "finger" contacts that touch that inner point and the ring around it on the mic head with a spring pressure.
I seriously doubt that you would buy replacements. Tho you may find other bits of gear that you can recover springy contacts from.

What makes you think they are the problem with this mic ??....... Edit.....

Closer looking shows that there should be 3 sets of contacts. GND, Audio and Bias.
From the photo quality, it would seem that the audio and bias ones are ok but I can't see a spring contact for the GND just a blob of solder

So on the mic head, you have the central contact point, the thin inner ring and the large outer ring

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Thanks for the reply. I should have been more detailed. It's a long story but to keep it short, I basically broke the contact pins into half. They should have been v-shaped but now it's like an i-shaped so they won't connect to the rings you mentioned. So I've been basically looking for the contact pins so that it can be fixed! But yet to no luck.

I might just get real thin wires (i think like 26 gauge) and just solder them and screw the head on. It's not the best option but there's no choice. These mics are so expensive. *sigh*