Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Should I design my PSU for 230Vac/+-10%?

Hi guys and gals, I'm building a 2A linear +12V &-12V PSU.

If I design my PSU to the 230Vac/+-10% standard (for Europe customers), should I include 207Vac and 253Vac? I mean, that's a wide range.

I could design it as 207Vac, if someone in Europe use my PSU on 250V mains, there'll be more heat. Or, I could go for 230Vac, less heat, but I'm afraid of the increasing ripple and noise when it's used on 210Vac...Also, less output current.

I know that's a lot of questions, but I'm kind of pulling my hair now.
Not a lot of questions at all.;)
That's life with "standards",
you have to meet them, nothing to do about it.
Use a larger filter cap for the 207V case,
and a larger heatsink for the 250V case.

But, tell us please,
Why do you intended to build (and sell?) a linear 2A P.S?
I mean, there are so many out there....
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Not a lot of questions at all.;)
That's life with "standards",
you have to meet them ,nothing to do about it.
Use a larger filter cap for the 207V case,
and a larger heatsink for the 250V case.

But,tell us please,
Why do you intended to build(and sell?) a linear 2A P.S?
I mean,there are so many out there....
Thanks, dorke! This forum is great! I feel like I can live here!

I'm building the PSU for some audio equipments. It has to fit into the cases, so size matters here. I think I can sqeeze out more room for the heatsink...

BTW, how does the Europe standard apply? Like Germany uses 230V and UK uses 240V? Or it varies around 230V no matter which contry you're in? If I build it to the American standard(110V 60Hz I think?), it would be a much smaller range, right?

About selling, I'm in China, will I run into troubles if I sell it online using Paypal? It's a very small production, custom built sometimes. Do I need a licence or something to sell it to, say the UK? And the, I think I need to include the VATs in the prices. But, when it comes to shipping, I need to pay the VAT to the shipping companies beforehand(like DHL), right?

Now, this time, it's a lot of questions...
Again, thanks!
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The UK and Europe were harmonised a few years a go and now all of western Europe is classified as 230V only the tolerances are different 240V +6% -10% for the UK and 220V -6% +10% for Europe. No one is actually generating 230V. That's the EU for ya.
There is a standard called IEC60038 you can find the 6.2 version here there is a newer one 7.0 ,
and they plan to have another in 2018...

You have the US and others with the 110/120V 60Hz
and Japan with 100V...

For safety you also need to have:
For EU the EC.
For the US the UL.
For Canada the CSA.
etc.etc.etc...A headache o_O
There is a standard called IEC60038 you can find the 6.2 version here there is a newer one 7.0 ,
and they plan to have another in 2018...

You have the US and others with the 110/120V 60Hz
and Japan with 100V...

For safety you also need to have:
For EU the EC.
For the US the UL.
For Canada the CSA.
etc.etc.etc...A headache o_O
Geez...Okay...I think I need to nail the EC first.
Thanks, guys!