Maker Pro
Maker Pro

shorted turns

Need help with shorted turn info. I am aware of eddy currents caused
by shorted turns in a transformer or solenoid driven by an A.C.
voltage. Also that a D.C. solenoid can have a metal former as there is
no alternating current to prduce eddy currents.
But I wish to build a solenoid D.C. driven, but switching off & on at
about 3 Hz. Will a shorted turn ( alluminium former) cause a problem.
(efficiency is very important) All constructive comments welcome.

Bob Parker

Need help with shorted turn info. I am aware of eddy currents caused
by shorted turns in a transformer or solenoid driven by an A.C.
voltage. Also that a D.C. solenoid can have a metal former as there is
no alternating current to prduce eddy currents.
But I wish to build a solenoid D.C. driven, but switching off & on at
about 3 Hz. Will a shorted turn ( alluminium former) cause a problem.
(efficiency is very important) All constructive comments welcome.

A metal former will slightly slow down the buildup and decay of the
magnetic field. Unless you need the solenoid to snap in and out
extremely quickly, my feeling is that it probably won't be a problem.
All you can do is build it and see how it behaves...

A metal former will slightly slow down the buildup and decay of the
magnetic field. Unless you need the solenoid to snap in and out
extremely quickly, my feeling is that it probably won't be a problem.
All you can do is build it and see how it behaves...


Thanks Bob,
I do want the solenoid to act as fast as possible so I will slit the
former to make it open circuit.
Too hard to rewind as it will be 1007 turns of 2.0 mm wire.

Bob Parker

Thanks Bob,
I do want the solenoid to act as fast as possible so I will slit the
former to make it open circuit.
Too hard to rewind as it will be 1007 turns of 2.0 mm wire.

That's one mean solenoid! Good luck with it. :)
