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Maker Pro

Short/open circuit detector in wall

Hi..what sensor that can easily detect open and short circuit in walls at home except testers / multimeters .thank you
If there is a fault in a cable get an electrician to pull a new cable through. Detecting the fault is just extra cost and doesn't fix it.
For detecting a break in a free cable I short circuited the far end and connected an audio signal generator to the other. Then using my hifi amp with a open ended cable ran this along the cable listening to the signal. The loss of signal at the break was quite dramatic and located within mm's.

For a power cable in a wall replacement as bushtech suggests is the best option as even if located how will it be repaired without lots of decorating. A big concern is how or why it got damaged.
opens and shorts are rarely anywhere except at either end of the cable. If you have a problem, check at the outlet and at the fusebox. The chances of a short/open anywhere inbetween (unless there is a hidden junction box) are as good as zero.
I think it would help if you explained exactly what you mean.
As noted in previous posts, is this for audio signals, power wiring, or something else.
I'm curious about the 'open or short circuit in a wall' question.
What kind of application are you talking about?
opens and shorts are rarely anywhere except at either end of the cable. If you have a problem, check at the outlet and at the fusebox. The chances of a short/open anywhere inbetween (unless there is a hidden junction box) are as good as zero.
At least here in the US, multiple outlets are strung together from the fuse box. If one outlet is out, it could be an open at another outlet in the same string.

I was asked to look at a friend's mother's house. The deep freeze in the garage was live (240V) and she was complaining of the shock when she opened the lid:). I tested it with my magic screwdriverand declined to touch the freezer.

The poblem was that she had had the walls impregnated with silicone and the contractor had drilled the wall and managed to cut the earth wire and connect it to the live. A new cable was fitted.
Have you been hanging pictures or fitting shelves?
At least here in the US, multiple outlets are strung together from the fuse box. If one outlet is out, it could be an open at another outlet in the same string.
Same here - but the faults, if any, will be at the socket plates (not withstanding anyone drilling holes or putting screws in them).

Our own installation safety instructions (UK) show the position of cable runs and it would be unusual for someone to drill or screw into a cable - basically avoid anywhere in a vertical line above the outlet and in a horizontal line between two adjacent sockets.