Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Shopping list customers - Gotta love them


Bob La Londe

I arrived to install a message on hold / announcing machine. When I took
the manuals into the manager's office she said she had a computer crash and
needed her DVR client software re-installed. While waiting for it to
download I checked the connection to the DVR on another computer with the
software and discovered they had totally changed the network IP structure.
While reprogramming the DVR one of the owners asked me to install a
convenience phone in the lobby for clients. After programming toll
restriction and moving the preexisting jack so the door wouldn't hit the new
phone, one of the lab techs asked if I would install another phone on the
back desk. While tracing the spare jack back to the phone room one of the
receptionists ask if I could change the programming on one of the backup
phones. While reprogramming the ring and line access on the backup phone
the other receptionist told me they have a problem with their paging. While
tracing the paging I was told that somehow daylight savings never got turned
off on their phone systems internal clock.

During all of this I found that my tech rep from the phone system vendor was
just reading from the manual. I figured out how to do the toll restriction
for the convenience phone on my own after giving up on his help. Then I
discovered there is no way to just turn off daylight savings time changes,
but I found a back door. Since the system is marketed world wide it has an
option to set both the start and stop date for upto 10 programmed years. I
programmed it to go on daylight savings at 2am on Christmas day and go off
at 2 am on Boxing Day. Since they (and most offices) are closed on
Christmas day they will not see the clock difference as a problem again
until 2020. LOL.

A single piece of simple equipment and a half hour service called turned
into a 5 1/2 hour service call.

Gotta love it, and they didn't have a single issue with their burglar or
fire alarm panels.