Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sharp TV 32U-S50 tuner HELP !

Hello- The tuner on this TV is not working.. all I get is a blue
screen when I tune channels. OSD is fine as well as both inputs. If I
go into auto programming, the TV searches for channels as normal but
non is found ! I checked my voltages. 33v and 5v are there. But since I
have no manual, I went ahead and replaced the tuner anyway without
success. So now I'm thinking I could well be missing more voltages on
this tuner (tuner model # ST5UF740). I know there should be 12v on it
somewhere but not sure what pin. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Hello- The tuner on this TV is not working.. all I get is a blue
screen when I tune channels. OSD is fine as well as both inputs. If I
go into auto programming, the TV searches for channels as normal but
non is found ! I checked my voltages. 33v and 5v are there. But since I
have no manual, I went ahead and replaced the tuner anyway without
success. So now I'm thinking I could well be missing more voltages on
this tuner (tuner model # ST5UF740). I know there should be 12v on it
somewhere but not sure what pin. Any ideas would be appreciated.

I must add, customer said the problem started as a color problem: color
would disappear then come back. I'm not sure if that has anything to do
with this present condition. Thanks