Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sequential Circuit Timing

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No Steve, my issues was not with new chips being bad, that was just an example. Just because a "stamped" marking on an IC might look like the original company that made it, it could very well be misleading.
I asked a question about electronic circuits and it looks to be heading in a direction upon I do not wish to even go there. Todays technology can and will provide that if someone wants something there is always someone who can provide it. end


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Haha, I suspect you still have the problem and all this bluster is about saving face.

Without a schematic nobody else can help you, and I doubt if you even know what you're doing. You certainly wouldn't be able to reproduce the circuit without a tedious and error prone copying of connections.
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