Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sennheiser headphone/headset sounds pretty good. (Helmet idea for sound-isolation, getting rid of ex


Skybuck Flying


Since a couple of days now my surround sound set (gigaworks s750) is DEAD
and thus I have been using my Sennheiser Headphone/Headset to play games
with and to listen to music and I like to share with you some of my
experiences with it/so far:

1. I have noticed some sounds in Company of Heroe's Tales of Valor which I
didn't really notice that much or at all with the surround sound set. For
example soldiers talking to each other... (They do so very quietly and
probably requires zooming into them... but still)... I have noticed these
kinds of weaker sounds much better on the headphone then on the surround
sound set... so that's something I kinda like about the headphone... it
makes all weaker sounds come out a bit better. I am not sure why that is...
One reason could be that the back speakers were maybe on a slightly lower
volume or maybe because they are farther away... or maybe it's just the
distance from the speakerset to the ear... that makes the weaker sounds less
hearable... not so with the headphone... everything will be noticeable !

One last example from Company of Heroe's Tales of Valor which made this
perfectly clear to me: The special forces barracks makes a zooming sound
when producing units... I never really noticed this sound with the surround
sound set... it's a weak sound but it's definetly there ! So I did notice
this on the headphone... and this was mildly annoying though... so it can
depend on the sound itself if it's an adventage or not.

2. Same thing with music... I can notice some sounds which I would not hear
that well or at all with the speaker set... probably again all kinds of
weaker sounds. So that's kinda interesting as well.

3. I kinda like the fact that my neighbour now don't hear my music or noises
or whatever... it makes it more peacefull for them and thus hopefully more
peacefull for me.

4. The high frequency sounds sound sometimes even better than the surround
sound set... but then mostly maybe slightly less... so I would say the
quality compared to the surround sound set for high sounds is 99% of quality
for the headphone... sometimes maybe even beyond. This is good news for
people that don't want a surround sound set but still want to enjoy high
frequency sounds.

5. The headphone is ofcourse mostly stereo... but even in a game like Call
of Juarez I can notice a little bit of surround sound... I am not sure if
this is real or if I am imagining things... but I think it was most
definetly real... it was "weak" but noticeable... front/back was probably
weakly noticeable.

6. The worst thing is with the low sounds... the bass sounds... those sound
garbled and noisy... and here is where the headphone/headset loses
tremendous ammounts of terrain/quality on the surround sound set... Here the
headphone only scores like 1% of the surround sound set... So here is where
the surround sound set with it's subwoofer definetly wins with easy/hands
down ! ;) :)

7. Also having to wear a headset all the time... with or without cord that
doesn't matter much but what does matter is the heat arround the ears...
they can get a little bit warmer... and it starts to itch a little bit on
the top of my head after playing 10 hours of Call of Juarez or so ! :):):):)
Yes 102 hours non-stop ! ;)

8. I feel slight pain on my left ear... I am not sure why that is... maybe
it's from magnetic fields from the headphone/headset ? Or maybe it's because
my left ear is getting a bit warmer ? Or maybe it's trying to adept to the
new sound ? Or maybe I just didn't sleep well the pass few days.. who
knows... but I think it has probably something to do with the
headphone/headset. So that's why I am getting a bit worried and that's why I
ultimately do want a surround sound set:

The main reasons for me to want a surround sound set and not a
headphone/headset is:

1. Better low frequency sounds (Bass and such). (But slightly less better
high frequency sounds.)

2. No magnetic fields around my ears/brain ?!? I am not sure what the
magnetic fields of headphone/headsets is ? I should investigate this...
because I feel slight brain pain ;) Now suddenly in my right brain hehe...
am I imagining it ? :) Or is my brain getting nuked ?!? ;) :)

3. More freedom, can dance on my floor, my neighbours too lol... no just
kidding... less heat around my ears, less itches on top of my head... also
less pain in my neck... maybe wearing this headphone/headset could cause
slightly neck pain because I wanna stay close to my computer as to not jerk
it off my head or so... though the cord is long enough... it's just
something psychologically I guess... or maybe just an excuse. Also I could
hit myself in the face with the headphone... when putting it on... cause
sometimes I put it off again... so that's also a drawback... putting
on/putting off etc... I watch many web video's too.. maybe websites have
video's nowadays...

The only real big adventage of the headphone is:

1. Almost nobody else can hear it... unless they standing right next to
it... and even then it will be difficult for them to hear anything ! :)
(Lowering the volume and they will hear nothing and you will still hear

Final words:

I don't know what type the sennheiser headphone is... I bought it some years
ago... not sure when I bought it... maybe I could find out if anyone is
interesting in it's specific model though I doubt anyone is ! ;) :) There
are probably also already newer/hopefully better models out there...

2. Actually there is another slight adventage for the headphone... it
filters out sounds from the surrounding... like outside and neighbours and
such because of the ear dempers... so I feel more isolated/away from the
real world... and more into my own world which is kinda peacefull to
experience ! ;) :)

I think headphone producers could try to exploit this fact and produce
something which filters out even more of the surrounding sounds... like
car/bus traffic...

Maybe they can place "recorders" on the left and right ear... and record the
sound coming from outside and then play it back from the outside of the
headphone to cancel the sounds against each other...

I once saw something about such a technique on the discovery channel ?! ;)

If that complex solution fails, is a bad idea or is to weird/wacky or to
expensive then ofcourse another more simple idea could be to try and build a
helmet which the user places on it's head and hopefully completely isolates
the user.

When the helmet is placed on the user's head the user should hear absolutely
nothing from the outside ?!

That would be totally awesome !

Then all sounds played would be truely pure and levitate/take it to a higher
level !?! :)

Would I myself be interested in such a helmet is fair question to ask:

I think the answer could be a surprising: definetly...

But there would be catches:

1. It should not make my head warm.

2. It should not make my brain cancerous :) No magnetic fields or very low

3. It should not make my head sweaty.

4. It should have better bass then my current headphone ;)

I myself face a lot of outside noise disturbances... so wearing a helmet
without a speaker inside of it my actually be an interesting idea but
itself... or maybe some ear plugs...

But I don't think ear plugs will help... I think the sounds from outside go
through my brain's skull as well... and therefore they still enter my skull.

It would be interesting if there was a helmet which really stopped all
sounds from outside ?! Hmmmm...

I feel privileged that I have experience something like that even if it's
only 1 to 5%.


Skybuck Flying

However this idea of a helmet which isolates the user from it's surroundings
also scares me a little bit:

1. What if there is a fire in the building and everybody's screaming to get
out (or fire alarms) ?!? You might not hear it and be burned to death.

2. What if somebody else is screaming for help... then you cannot help them

3. What if a war breaks out and the sirenes go off... I can barely hear them
inside my appartment... a helmet would make them unhearable... but then
again... when a war breaks out... what to do... where to go ? Well I do know
of a bombshelter in my neighbourhood... that's probably the safest place to
go... question is will they let me in lol ? :):):) Do they even know about
that it exists ? It's kinda a secret ! :p* ;) :)

4. What if the phones go...

5. What if a burgular breaks in...

So there are already 5 good reasons why a helmet could be a bad idea... but
then again this is up to the user to decide.

If the user really wants some piece and quietness and absolutely no
inteference from outside then this could be heaven/a blessing :)

That's the price to pay/the risk to take for putting on the helmet :):):)


Bob Larter

Skybuck said:

Since a couple of days now my surround sound set (gigaworks s750) is DEAD
and thus I have been using my Sennheiser Headphone/Headset to play games

Why on earth do you think that people in six different groups want to
see this drivel?