Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Senior Project

Hi, I'm an engineering student. I am trying to make a phone alarm to connect to a Bluetooth motor.
I'm in my senior year of high school and I have to figure this out for a project in my engineering class. My project is about making a vibrator pillow so people can wake up without waking up your spouse or the whole family.
How am I able to do this?
What are your skills?
What sort if thing have you done so far in engineerring class?
Let us know your starting point.
Could be app on phone talks to bluetooth module in pillow with vibration motor attached.
Is that the direction you were thinking?
I guess you could set the phone to vibrate and put the phone under your pillow? :)
The vibration motors are widely available on ebay, as are various wi-fi enabled devices. Reading the specifications of these may give you some ideas for interfacing things.


Hop - AC8NS
Gorilla Glue usually works for me when I am attaching stuff.