Maker Pro
Maker Pro

sencore sc61

most problems I had with my SC61 is just loose connection, poor solder etc....I would recommend going through the whole insides as far as tightening connections, including ground screws, and looking for bad solder connections. on that note, I'm having problem on very dim display on Vector mode that I just discovered just now. Anybody had this problem on their SC61?
I found the problem on my SC61 display very dim only on Vector mode. The trim pot R11060 was "dirty"...I applied contact cleaner and turned it a few times, then adjusted the pot following the adjustment procedure in the manual. I put a drop of contact cleaner to all the other trim preventive maintenance.
Sencore always used to have excellent customer support. If you don't get an answer here, you can try to contact Sencore and
ask for help.
yes, a lot have changed in the electronics industry..I dont know where Sencore is now a days...but they used to be really really responsive.