Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Semiconductor current transformers...?


Geir Holmavatn


I wonder if there exist simple current transformer solutions using hall
effect devices instead of bulky wound coils. I need to measure current
between 0 and 100amps flowing in 1-phase or 3-phase mains cables. The
units should contain an A/D converter with output to a standard bus,
like for example 1-wire etc..

Has anyone here heard about simple yet relatively accurate (+/- 3%)
current sense devices / solutions with digital output..?

Thanks for comments and info



Rene Tschaggelar

Geir said:

I wonder if there exist simple current transformer solutions using hall
effect devices instead of bulky wound coils. I need to measure current
between 0 and 100amps flowing in 1-phase or 3-phase mains cables. The
units should contain an A/D converter with output to a standard bus,
like for example 1-wire etc..

Has anyone here heard about simple yet relatively accurate (+/- 3%)
current sense devices / solutions with digital output..?

Thanks for comments and info


Phil Allison

"Geir Holmavatn"
I wonder if there exist simple current transformer solutions using hall
effect devices instead of bulky wound coils. I need to measure current
between 0 and 100amps flowing in 1-phase or 3-phase mains cables. The
units should contain an A/D converter with output to a standard bus, like
for example 1-wire etc..

Has anyone here heard about simple yet relatively accurate (+/- 3%)
current sense devices / solutions with digital output..?

** Did you try Google with

" current transducer digital " ???

....... Phil

Robert Baer

Geir said:

I wonder if there exist simple current transformer solutions using hall
effect devices instead of bulky wound coils. I need to measure current
between 0 and 100amps flowing in 1-phase or 3-phase mains cables. The
units should contain an A/D converter with output to a standard bus,
like for example 1-wire etc..

Has anyone here heard about simple yet relatively accurate (+/- 3%)
current sense devices / solutions with digital output..?

Thanks for comments and info


Most such devices seem to be SMT ICs that do this job.
I think that DigiKey and Mouser carry a number of them (3-5 makers,
various sensitivities).



I wonder if there exist simple current transformer solutions using hall
effect devices instead of bulky wound coils. I need to measure current
between 0 and 100amps flowing in 1-phase or 3-phase mains cables. The
units should contain an A/D converter with output to a standard bus,
like for example 1-wire etc..

Has anyone here heard about simple yet relatively accurate (+/- 3%)
current sense devices / solutions with digital output..?

Thanks for comments and info

