Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Select sampling rate of the DAQ

Hi everyone,
I am trying to retrieve the phase information from the below equation:
I= i(1+ Kcos(C*cos(w1*t)+k(t)))
w1= 1 KHz
k(t)=5-10 radians
Please let me know the sampling rate selection criteria of the DAQ for phae retrieval.
Thanks in advance.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What progress have you made on this problem yourself?

We will help, but we won't do your homework for you.
What progress have you made on this problem yourself?

We will help, but we won't do your homework for you.
I have worked on the algorithm for demodulation of phase(using argtangent method).
Also I clearly understand that we must satisfy the Nyquist criteria (twice of input signal) for proper signal reconstruction, normally we fix a sampling rate upto 10X input signal. But most the technical reference papers I am referring to is using "80 - 200MSPS DAQs". I am just confused if any other factors are contributing to sampling rate selection as I see that sampling rate used here is too huge.

Please switch this thread back to the "electronics projects" forum, as I am not doing a homework or assignment.
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