Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Secure Brief Case - Electronically activated lock

I an enquiring about the availability of an existing electronically activated briefcase with the following specifications or one that can be easily built

  • A lightweight portable briefcase / attaché case.

  • Fitted with a long life battery to power the case lock with an external power input point to cover the situation of an internal battery failure/ low voltage.

  • A Windows tablet computer mounted or inserted in one side. The windows computer must be fitted with an NFC reader capable of responding to the presence of a proximity card and mobile phone

  • A smart lock that locks and unlocks the briefcase in response to a message from the computer.
  • The Windows computer communicates with the lock by wire via the computer USB or virtual serial port

Craig Power - 0419 xxx xxx - Located in the Perth Area - Western Australia

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I can't help feeling that all the high-tech parts of the briefcase, such as the tablet, will make it an even more tempting target for thieves :D.
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A Windows tablet just to operate the lock mechanism? Sounds like a severe case of overkill. A microcontroller and bluetooth module would be more appropriate.

A Windows tablet just to operate the lock mechanism? Sounds like a severe case of overkill. A microcontroller and bluetooth module would be more appropriate.

Thanks Bob
The application is for an industrial purpose (security) where there are two locking commands provided. The first is to enable an authorised person to unlock / lock the briefcase and get access to the contents , the second command is an overlock command whereby other parties - one or several can overlock the briefcase when it has first been locked by the authorised person - thus preventing this person from unlocking the briefcase again until all secondary parties have removed their electronic lock from the briefcase. your suggestions on how to do this are most welcome.
Thanks Alec
The application is for an industrial purpose (security) where there are two locking commands provided. The first is to enable an authorised person to unlock / lock the briefcase and get access to the contents , the second command is an overlock command whereby other parties - one or several can overlock the briefcase when it has first been locked by the authorised person - thus preventing this person from unlocking the briefcase again until all secondary parties have removed their electronic lock from the briefcase. your suggestions on how to do this are most welcome.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
This isn't like email. You don't have to send the same message to different people.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Craig, are you looking for an already made device, our are you wanting to build one?

How are your programming skills?

Any connection by accessible USB ports is going to be very insecure. External charging points can also be problematic.

How secure does this have to be? Is it being used in a secure environment by trusted people? If not, fancy locks using microcontrollers are not going to prevent a person with an angle grinder from bypassing them.
Craig, are you looking for an already made device, our are you wanting to build one?

How are your programming skills?

Any connection by accessible USB ports is going to be very insecure. External charging points can also be problematic.

How secure does this have to be? Is it being used in a secure environment by trusted people? If not, fancy locks using microcontrollers are not going to prevent a person with an angle grinder from bypassing them.

Programming skills are not an issue - a crude prototype has been developed and functionality demonstrated. There are two options - Firstly : an existing device is preferable - Secondly - to build a functioning device. Security is not an issue for the secure brief case - it is used by trusted people - the case can be take the form of existing brief cases


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
From what you've said, if you can't find something existing, a microcontroller based approach is likely to be smaller, cheaper, and require less battery power.

Try to prototype something up on an arduino.