Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Searching for Help



Not really sure what you are selling (or buying). Please be more

I'm trying to create something im-possible. The first company entirely
managed by Its community. The place where people will have the
managerial power, where they can make products from scratch and sell
it to the market. At moment I have a small store online with some
I need help in planning the platform, the rules, etc. The forum and
mediawiki it's not enought.

Have you some suggestions about?


Jack8 said:
I'm trying to create something im-possible. The first company entirely
managed by Its community. The place where people will have the
managerial power, where they can make products from scratch and sell
it to the market. At moment I have a small store online with some
I need help in planning the platform, the rules, etc. The forum and
mediawiki it's not enought.

Have you some suggestions about?
People will take you much more seriously if you have a real name and a
real email address and a real address in Bellevue, WA 98007.

Good luck



I'm trying to create something im-possible. The first company entirely
managed by Its community. The place where people will have the
managerial power,  where they can make products from scratch and sell
it to the market. At moment I have a small store online with some
I need help in planning the platform, the rules, etc. The forum and
mediawiki it's not enought.

Have you some suggestions about?

Not impossible and not the first:

OK to be fair you probably mean an online community but there are some
similar ideas and ideals going on here.

Ed V.


He's trying to show off his website and to make you work for him for free. Can't you figure that out?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Oh no. Everything you have read on my site was wrote by community, not
by me.

Michael A. Terrell

Jack8 said:
Oh no. Everything you have read on my site was wrote by community, not
by me.

| DO NOT |
| |
| TROLL! |
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida